21 Dec 2017

A question about : Should my mate pay for his own pricey drinks?

I regularly meet up with a group of friends in the pub to watch the football. While most of us drink beer and wine, one of our group drinks expensive spirits, which makes the cost of our rounds skyrocket. Should we ask him to buy his own?

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Best answers:

  • YES, or just all buy your own drinks anyway.....someone always looses out when rounds are bought (Im generally that person) and not everyone drinks at the same speed!
  • All my friends drink beer, and I drink vodka.
    And i find it isn't that more expensive actually. A pint of tenants is like 3 odd anyway and a vodka depending where you go can be like Ј3.5
    If your paying more than Ј4 for a vodka and mix then i suggest going to a cheaper place :P
  • Is he insisting on obscure named whisky or vodka, rather than generic? I'd just get him the cheapest variety, and then deny all knowledge
  • This is the trouble with rounds and splitting the bill - there's always one greedy piggy. All buy your own drinks, I bet he won't drink as much once he's paying his way instead of poncing off you lot.
  • The last couple of times I've gone out, spirits have been cheaper than beer.
    That said, you can't be very good friends if you begrudge him a few drinks.
  • Round system.
    The second option is you all buy your own drinks. Depending on the brand, I've seen spirits cheaper than nice ale/beer.
  • Let's get this right. Blokes go to the pub and buy rounds. It's what we do. Then when we go to the curry house and split the bill no matter what. Nobody abuses the system or they shouldn't be invited back.
    Everybody buying their own is what women do. Getting their phone calculator out to work out a restaurant bill down to the last penny is what they do too.
    Is anyone else bothered? If not, put up with it or don't go. (This is all from a bloke's perspective, of course.)
  • It isn't complicated.
    Does he drink the same when it is his turn to buy the drinks? If yes swallow it down and pay up. If not tell him where to go.
  • I always lost out when we bought rounds 'cos i was always the driver and had so little to drink,
  • No, I would say all share and not be so damned money centric. I find over the years such things all come out in the wash. Keeping a mental balance sheet is not on.
  • If you personally object to it just say at the start of the night you're not going to be going in on the rounds cos you're not drinking much/ not sure how long you're gonna stay/ ect.
    See if it makes your night considerably cheaper.
    If it doesn't go back to doing rounds.
    If it does then you have a decision to make. What's more important to you.. friendship? Saving money? Not looking like a cheapskate?
    Under no circumstance should you all turn round and say we've all been talking and we want you to buy your own drinks from now on. Not very friendly is it.
  • Aha! Back to the old stupid MMDs. Not even labelled as 'hypothetical' any more.
    Would anyone really ask for this sort of advice on a national forum? No, you would SPEAK TO YOUR FRIENDS!!
  • I don't really venture from Discussion time.. but I've now seen in very rare extra curricular navigation 3 bizarre question from relatively new MSE staff. I assume this one like the other two is a joke... a nonsense... no adult that I have ever met would ask the question... I'm sorry... but it seems to me new staff think they need to encourage discussion by asking silly moral questions that have obvious correct answers? Ban me if I'm wrong... this is a joke. Just effing talking to people..... it's called communication... if you can't communicate with friends.. see a shrink. My deepest apologies Joanne if this is a genuine question you ask... but I'm 40 years old... and I find it bloody odd.
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