03 May 2018

A question about : should i work for Aldi or Asda??

not sure where to post this question, at the moment i am working at asda, but am considering applying to Aldi's.

Now i hear it more money, but also have been told you are self employed etc etc, does anyone work for Aldi? is it a good company to work for?

thanks loops

Best answers:

  • Aldi is bloody hard work compared to Asda. There's no back of store staff - everyone does everything. So if you're employed on the tills at Asda now, don't expect to just do that at Aldi. You can just as easily end up unloading the lorries when they arrive.
  • I went for an interview with Aldi (enticed by a decent amount for supermarket work!). When i was shown around the store and warehouse the interviewer shouted to a guy to stop what he was doing and come and speak.
    The guy was sweating, out of breath and was introduced as the warehouse manager.
    I thought, if the manager was in this state, then what would i, a new guy starting at the bottom end up like?
    I politely told them to poke off. i work to live, not live to work and left.
  • Asda is a great place to work for. I personally think you should stick with them, especially after hearing the other people's comments!
  • I've actually considered both myself recently. Asda by far has the better benefits, but lower wage. Aldi pays well and gives 24 days paid holiday. That's it. If you do make use of any of the perks of being an Asda employee, try applying at M&S instead - their package is comparable but I think the wage is a little better (don't quote me on it though).
  • many thanks, think ill leave aldi and try M&S.. currently i am on the tills at asda, and its a long boring job doing the same thing all day.... so its not imperative i leave, just thought the grass may be greener, seems not...all in all i like asda, perks are great, shift swaps are great etc
  • Because you do everything in Aldi, you need to cope with moving large, heavy loads around all the time.
    The local Aldi only has 6-8 members of staff at anyone time. When I go into Aldi, I am usally served at the till by the assistant store manager. You don't get that in Asda!
  • i have just heard theres a lidl opening near me, now one reason i considered leaving asda was because i am stuck on a till all day... boring! and i have a 50mile round trip every day. We do get good benefits at asda, ie. interest free payments with car/home etc insurance taken out through asda. we do get cheap Ј8 pm LHF health benefits, we get free eye test, 10% on everything even markdowns, we get double discount days and there is always plenty of overtime,.... sounds good now ive read others comments.
    I dont mean to sound funny, but i have a degree in social sciences, i have lots of qualis and a very active mind, and i wonder if thats why im bored... maybe some kind of course mite aleviate it...
  • I have worked for both Aldi and Asda and if i was you would stay at Asda Aldi was horrible i worked there about 14 months and lost out on loads of pay for the hours i worked they just didnt want to pay you for hours put in you are always told to do extra shifts and if you refuse they make your life hell and its bloody hardwork in the 14 months i was there i also got shipped off to work in 6 other stores in my district and they never paid a penny for travel
  • My sister works for Aldi and has been there 7 years. What you find is they only give you a 20 hour contract and you are expected to work a rota as and when required. My sister has never worked less than 40 hours a week and last week worked 60 due to staff leaving.
    She quite often does 12 hour days and its hard graft. Saying that the pay is a lot better than most supermarkets and Im sure she gets a share of profits if the figures are good.
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