18 Jan 2018

A question about : Seriously need help...please :)

I am considering resigning from work to become a full time mum.

If I work full time, I will lose my current benefits and be working to pay for my childs nursery fees, plus I have not had a child just to put them in nursery full time and never see them! If I remain part time, the benefits I am entitled too do not come anywhere near helping cover nursery costs.

My baby is currently looked after by her grandparents on the days I work but they are struggling.

Can anyone tell me if I would be able to receive income support straight away?

My partner is on a low wage of Ј17,000.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks title=Smile

Best answers:

  • You won't get income support as a lone parent as you have a partner, only if your are disabled or a carer.
  • If I'm not entitled to income support, what would I be entitled too?
  • Ignoring the last comments (though they have a point) you will be entitled to nothing but child benefit and any applicable claim to tax credits.
  • You wont get income support or any other benefits to replace what you will be losing. Its your choice not to work why should you get paid to do it.
    You will still get child benefit and child tax credits
  • What is wrong with you people? I have been paying into the system since I was 16 years old!!
    Unless I am an millionaire, how can anyone afford to have children!?
  • you would not qualify for income support as you have a partner who is in full time work. the only benefits you can claim are working tax credit, and child tax credit, have you applied for these? they can assist with upto 70% of childcare costs. if you google tax credits do i qualify there is a calculator to give you a rough idea. but dont do it until tomorrow or wednesday as they are still calculating on 09/10.
    am afraid though i agree with the others the child is your responsibility not those of the tax payer, and as a mum of two i had to make the "choice" to work after having my children and if not i had to budget and do without.
  • I am not considering to resign from work to sit on my !!!! all day.
    I want to bring up my child and return to work! Not working isn't something I plan to do for the rest of my life!
  • I'm getting really sick of reading things like this. I've just come off facebook where one of my friends was moaning that she's not surprised that people turn to crime when there's no incentive to go back to work.
    When my son was 7 months I went back to work 24 hours a week, then I started my full time law degree when he was 15 months and still worked 3 days as well. I got stick from people for putting him in nursery but you know what? I might not have earned much but it covered all my household bills and he has a great time playing and learning and doing crafts and playing outside and singing songs with his friends at nursery.
    I got the childcare element of working tax credit which covered a lot of his fees and used my own money to make up the difference.
    When I chose to have my son I knew it would be a constant financial commitment, and so should you. You may not have had a child to put him in nursery, but if you have to put him in nursery to provide for him financially stop seeing it as a bad thing, kids love nursery and they learn loads there too.
  • you will get child benefit, tax credits and possibly housing benefit, you could type in your details to www.entitledto.com and see what it says (but it's only a rough idea) i'm the same as you (well acually i lost my job when i was pregnant then had twins) it really wouldn't pay me to work but i find we spend less money now anyway, you tend to adjust, i do plan to go back to work when my youngest starts school
    ignore the comments above the benefits system is there to help, altho shouldn't be fully relied on as a longterm measure
  • I don't see putting my child into nursery as a bad thing! I have already enquired about help from tax credits towards child care costs and the payments are nowhere near helpful!
  • THANK YOU QUINTWINS! I don't plan for this to be a permanant thing, like you, just until my child is old enough to go to school.
    I have paid into the system so why shouldn't I get something back to help me and my family. At least I have worked and haven't chosen to sit around all day and do nothing!
  • I have 2 children and gave up full time work when my eldest was born. When she was 3 and in nursery I got a job in the local school at lunchtimes and stayed there for over 5 years. 6 months ago I got a different job in the con club 2 nights a week when my husband is here to watch them. I do not get payed brilliantly but it helps. We could manage without me working but my wages pay for the treats. If i did not work our tax credits would go up so effectively I am working for about Ј15 a week but I enjoy it and if i can go back into full time in a couple of years I hope it looks good on my cv.
  • I dont get you people who come on here to mock and assume!!!
    The benefit system is there to help! I have contributed and am asking for temporary help!
    I am not resigning to sit at home and watch day time tv!!
    Being a mum is a 24 hours job and i have respect for mums who manage to work full time!
    I should not be judged by wanting to watch my child grow up!!
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