28 Jan 2017

A question about : a selfish moan.....how is everyone else coping?

ok im just having a moan really title=Embarrassment we just escaped being flooded by literally feet when horsbere brook burst its banks in Longlevens twice in a month, the houses behind me have been flooded up to hip height twicetitle=EEK! we have been without water for 3 days now and have coped ok so far. luckily my son filled up every availible water container just before the water went off so we still have a fair bit left. i have a pile of washing up like you wouldnt believe title=Embarrassment my kitchen/toilet looks like a bombs hit it...will do the washing up later in an inch of water. i would kill to have a shower, my son is loving it as he see`s it as a valid excuse not to brush his teeth :rolleyes:, we will be starting to run out of clean clothes very shortly. who knows what state of bedraggledness we will be in in 2 weeks or so when the water is turned back on:confused:
a friend rang up earlier and asked if i`d be willing to go help the red cross tomorrow, probably doleing out the bottled water...
how is everyone else in Glos coping with no tap water and having their homes invaded with germ filled river water? good luck to you all!!

Best answers:

  • I'm quite lucky really... my flatmate's parents live in the hills towards Cirencester so I'm popping over there every couple of days to shower and fill up a large container with water.
    I really feel for parents with young children at this time... although any that live near me seem to have (quite sensibly) moved elsewhere until things are back to normal... Being a 28 year old male with no family commitments, I would certainly be helping the red cross if I wasnt in work this week.
  • ang, my house is in about the same state as yours
    I'm coping by pretending that I'm camping - in a big brick tent instead of a small canvas one Actually, proper camping would be better, at least there'd be a shower block
  • We have plenty of bottled water but no shower for me my wife or 2 kids for 4 days now. Washing is piling up and being careful in the kitchen.
    We are going to wash soon , bucket and sponge
  • I can't even imagine how you are all coping , it can't be easy and its looking like there will be more people inundated later tonight.... I hope things get easier soon for you all and all I can say is well done for coping and keeping a sense of humour when I am sure all you really want to do is SCREAM
  • im trying to keep working in dinglewell at the moment but have been trying to help by offering to get water for those who cant. i am one of the lucky few who has some water at home so please pm me and i will try and fill up some bottles for people but cant say how long it will last but feel guilty for having the water lol good luck everyone and hope it gets better soon for those of you who are worse off than me ,vicki x
  • I live in Stonehouse and have water plus a washing machine etc. PM me if I can be of any assistance.
  • JoeyG, i am near the Exmouth Arms on Bath Road. We were supposed to have a bowser here this morning, but no sign yet. Visited 4 this afternoon all empty. Rang Severn Trent, took 30 mins. I am not confident. At the moment we are relying on bottled water for drinking and cooking, waste water goes down the loo
  • Some interesting videos on the BBC site, showing the electricity substation pumping operation
    I can't believe the narratives though; as corny and stupid as "The Day Today".
  • We had a nightmare day on Friday when we were all stranded in various locations. Otherwise we've been really lucky. We live in central gloucester and we still have water. I'm really grateful though as we have two babies.
    We've got tonnes of bottled water, thanks to mum who lives in London so if anyone else is desperate then PM me.
  • A water tanker from South West Water drove to the end of my road last night at 11.30 pm, presumably to refill the non-exisitant bowser which was promised 2 days ago
  • A friend of ours couldn't understand why the bowser near her was always empty when she knew it was being filled up regularly, so she kept an eye on it and saw the builders working on the local school taking loads of water so the could carry on laying their bricks
    Then there's the salon who are taking the water to wash their customer's hair - 'Well, we are a business, you know'
    And a couple of cafe owners who are using it to keep the cafes open. Excellent, steal (yes it IS stealing) the bowser water to make tea and coffee TO SELL
  • Don't know if this is possible, so sorry if it is not viable, but can you drive somewhere out of area and go swimming in the leisure centre?can have a lovely shower then
  • The average teenage boy's unwillingness to wash has just become a positive advantage in my household.
  • My friend called the police about the builders, they went to the school and the builders denied it and said they're bringing their own water in :rolleyes: Oh really, where from?
    Not sure of all the details on the cafes and salon, I will get on the case now
  • tru, are you able to get out of your area, or are you cut off?? :confused:
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