17 Jan 2018

A question about : Scares JSA claim might get rejected

Am 19 and I've applied for JSA today I had to do a habitual residence test and am a bit worried I have indefinite leave to enter the UK I came to join my parents when I was 8 years old. My indefinite leave to enter is valid from 04/04/03 to 04/04/04 the expiry date is the last day in which I can enter the uk so it does not mean am an illegal. The woman who did my test said the test is not designed for someone who came here as a child. They have a photocopy of my passport and my indefinite leave to enter as well.

But what am more worried about is that my claim might get rejected as I have never paid taxes I did work but I only earnes Ј82.25 a week am scared they might reject my claim because they might not understand that indefinite leave to enter never expires . I am so worried my claim will get rejected. I also live with my parents. I have lived here all my life and I have never left the country temporarily. The woman who did my test also photocopied my holiday stamps just to show that immergration did not have a problem with my leavening the country for holiday and entering again.

What are my chances of my claim getting accepted

Best answers:

  • Hmm troll?
    Very contradictory in this. You say you came here aged 8 and then later on you say you have lived here all your life. You also say you haven't left the country temporarily yet you say they photocopied you holiday stamps. That means you left the country.
    So why did they do the test if she said it isn't designed for you.
    I'm sure jobcentre have come across a lot of people who have the same leave to remain as you that's if you are genuine.
  • First of its National Insurance contributions that determine if someone is entitled to contribution based JSA not taxes, I take it that if you have already worked then you have a NI number.
    If you have not enough NI then as long as you are entitled to jsa then it would be income based as already stated the DWP will be aware of the rights and entitlements of people who have ILR.
    Of course you could always get a job instead of living of benefits
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