13 Mar 2024

A question about : Sat & Sun 27th /28th September

When we start out on the DFW trail we do loads of big stuff that makes quite a difference to our situation. These include having our lightbulb moment, cutting up the credit cards and cancelling Sky and the gym .

But once we have done the bigger stuff, we often feel that we are not making the same amount of progress, when in fact the small steps are helping us form good financial habits and helping us get closer everyday to staying in control and becoming debt free, or staying debt free.

Examples could be hanging washing out instead of using the tumble dryer or leaving your purse/wallet at home to avoid the risk of spending .

So be proud of those small steps, they really are important title=Top

Best answers:

  • Morning Gang
    Sorry I missed Fridays post
    hope everyone is well
    so today's post
    wash on
    wash out
    check banks
    do the meter readings
    get ready for work
    hope you all have a good day xxxxx
  • Today I have/will:
    1. Checked online banking
    2. Been to Waitrose and stuck to list and came out under budget.
    3. Free mocha and newspaper from Waitrose
    4. Cleaned bedroom
    5. Sorted out meal plan for week
    6. Update snowball
    7. Water veggies
    8. Watch tv recorded in week
    9. Read free kindle book
    10. Meals from stores
    Thanks for starting the thread LPP, have a fab weekend
  • 1. Phoned AA to haggle renewal cost - Ј24 saved
    2. Used TCB when applying for credit card - Ј12
    3. Set up a savings direct debit to qualify for Ј5 halifax reward
    4. Made bacon baguettes instead of buying takeaway breakfast
    5. Phoned sky to cancel - got reduced monthly fee
    6. Phoned electric company to fix price - they will phone back within 2 weeks!
  • Gosh you have been busy sweeti!Thanks for the thread LPP and hello,nice to meet you Bagpuss. I can only post here occasionally but I try to read the thread on my mobile most days This weekend I do need a little keeping on track though.
  • I have a big report to write (grrr)
  • Washing on overnight, have deferred next load until tonight!
  • DM is delivering a gifted tumble dryer - helpful for guests in the winter, I'm going to put it in the shed so I am not tempted to use it other than in dire emergency
  • Ate up leftovers for lunch and same ahead for dinner
  • Going to give myself a little TLC tonight - nails etc, ahead of a posh bash midweek.
  • Got paying guest staying but have already cleaned room (using minimal products) for them.
  • Will be baking bread and making jacket spuds for dinner tonight!
  • Hello
    Thanks for starting the thread LPP.
    I have been to a local event with OH today, so spending was needed. Not much though.
    Need to do this weekend:
    Put business stock away - this was on my list for yesterday and I didn't get to it. It is all over the spare room, and DS is coming to stay on Monday night, as he and OH are going to do something together for OH's birthday on Tuesday Will do this in a minute
    Clean upstairs. Hmm this was on yesterday's list too Will do in a minute (do you see a pattern developing here?
    Make redcurrant jelly Done
    Small shop needed Done, went to Waitrose to use a voucher
    Put more items on ebay. I have lots of good quality clothes that I no longer wear (used to have a job that involved being tidy, but now live in jeans Rather than being crammed into the wardrobe, I might as well sell them, recoup a little money and pass to someone who will wear them My 'posh' work coat has a watcher and I have put 2 more items on, but realise I have some ironing to do before I photograph many of the items, so that they look their best (not my favourite job! )
    All HM food as usual, Hugh FW's lamb and apricot tagine is in the oven for supper. I am trying to free up freezer space as I have half a lamb arriving next Friday
    Hope everyone has a good weekend
  • Been a very nice day today.
    Free day out at NT place (we are members).
    Took picnic and flask/water so no spends on food etc.
    Hung out washing and resisted the lure of the tumble dryer.
    Stopped at M*rrisons for shopping, stuck rigidly to list and bought Ј5 saving stamps for Xmas.
    Beginning to feel in control of things - excellent!
  • Hello all. Thank you for the start LPP - the idea of you "hovering" this weekend made me smile
    Yesterday morning was our monthly trip to Aldi. Hard work (2 trolleys involved) but well worth the saving. Bit disappointed that there was absolutely no flour of any type on the shelves (empty) which means we need to get that elsewhere. Can't wait for February 2015 when they are due to open here!
    Been so sunny and warm I have dried several loads of laundry outside. Did a long dog walk and tidied up the garden yesterday afternoon.
    Today I had a nice "lie in". Was awake just after 7 but stayed in bed reading and attempting the prize crossword until 9.
    Have put a big stew into the slow cooker.
    I also need to do some cleaning, ironing, tidying up, walk the dogs......it's just fun fun fun.
    Hope you are all having a good weekend x
  • Hi Gang!!
    Not much from me as I'm working all weekend, but coining in the overtime, so can't really complain!!
    Had a bumper payday today (well, Friday, but have resisted touching it until today, which should be payday!!), which has really boosted the savings, having brought home Ј800 in overtime from last month... Feeling knackered is worth it when the pay check comes!!
    So, this weekend I have / will
    Been swimming with OH at the open air pool - beautifully refreshing!
    Done a long walk on the costal path before work yesterday for free exercise
    Blitzed the allotment and cut everything back in preparation for winter months
    Worked 5 hours overtime yesterday! Took food to work so no spends
    OH has done all domestic stuff including the cleaning, ironing and washing
    Moved money into various saving "pots" as it's payday!!
    My regular saver has paid out, so opened a current account that pays 5% on balances... Stuck the money straight in there and won't touch it!! Much better rate than any ISA's out there at the moment!
    Will do a quick top up shop as OH has volunteered to cook a roast as I'm on nights tonight...
    Even squeezed in a few Nectar Adpoints while I was stuck at the hospital (waiting for something for work) last night!!
    So, all in all not a bad weekend considering I've been working for most of it!! Had an e-mail asking for volunteers for overtime EVERY DAY next month, so have put my name down for nearly all of my days off... Will see if I can get a good few hours under my belt!!
    Hope everyone is well, and looking after those pennies!!
    Lots of Love,
    Shoot x
  • Thanks Crazy lady! I was feeling quite proud of myself haha. You seem to have had a productive weekend also!
  • lol ss ive been hovering all day
    so far
    cook off
    beef olives
    mince for spag bol
    roast beef
    and lentil soup
    2 washes out
    still to do
    check banks
    a wee nap would be good
    have a good Sunday xxxx
    hope your well all the oldies ( time on Forum not in Age )
  • Evening Frugal Friends,
    And here are today's small money saving achievements:
    *Have saved energy by sharing bath tub & putting an overnight wash on timer to use cheap tariff.
    *Had last night's leftovers for lunch & snacks.
    *Big Budget Day: Reconciled September budget to check everything was OK, set budget for October, updated grocery budget & my monthly 'spends', paid our 6 Savings Piggies except Holidays, as that money is being paid into the Bathroom Fund until Jan.
    *Relisted an eBay item. Deleted items which have been listed multiple times & not sold & packed them upo for charity shop.
    *Researched prices of knitting needles. I have almost every size.......except 4 very specific sizes needed for my next projects. Grrr. Finally found decent price, anyway.
    *Ordered a v small gift for the present box.
    *Watered greenhouse veg & courgettes.
    *Picked more pears.
    *Dinner is a quick roast from freezer- the lamb slices in gravy I froze last time I did 'rubber lamb'.
    Tomorrow's list is already growing.
    Till then,
    F x
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