07 Sep 2017

A question about : Sainsbury's Plus

Hi all

I made my first foray into sainsbury's online shopping this week - all those Ј10 voucher codes were too much of an incentive!

I wasn't in when the items arrived today and my dad accepted the goods. Unfortunately sainsbury's had 'substituted' several of the goods for their equivalents as the items were out of stock at my local branch.

On getting home I rang customer services on 0845 301 2020 and told them this wasn't good enough as I'm too busy to return/exchange items etc - the very reason why i tried online shopping.

They were very apologetic and sent me a voucher for my next online purchase to the tune of the original value of all the substituted goods!

I'm off to return the goods now and wreak some revenge.

Best answers:

  • Wouldn't it be interesting if we kept a database of 'out of stock' products, ordered those products, got the 'substitutes', complained about the said 'substitutes, kept the substitutes AND got a voucher off our next shop.
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