20 Jan 2018

A question about : rules for holidaying abroad on income support

just want to clarify the situation for a friend we have conflicting information.

Does she have a right to go on holiday with her husband and children and NOT have her income support stopped? Her husband is on DLA middle rate care and she receives carers benefit, as well as income support. help with mortgage interest and couuncil tax etc ...... Children at school.....

She believes she can go abroad for up to 4 weeks with absolutely no change in her benefits claim.

We on the other hand were informed by the ba in 2001 if we were to go abroad we would have our benefit suspended until re entry to the uk,which i thought was fair enough and then the claim would start again from where it left off, HOWEVER the housing part of our claim (income support) ie the mortgage and council tax would start as a new claim and therefore the mortgage interest would not be paid for xx? weeks, same with council tax not sure how long that would take to be restarted....the mortgage interest part put us off going!!!!

i would love to take my children to disneyland paris, but we would loose the house as we couldnt pay full mortgage for 26 weeks :O((((

Best answers:

  • Hi
    I'm sure someone will be along who can answer your query better than i can, but might it depend on what benefits you are on? ie are you and friend on different benefits?
    I'm sure i read something similar to what you were told when i was claiming JSA in 1998 (after being made redundant). I had to sign on every 2 weeks so my absense wouldn't have gone unnoticed, not sure if you so this for IS though.
    Does this just apply to a holiday abroad though? And would you be able to go for say one week without anything being affected?
  • From DWP income support website
    If your stay abroad is temporary, you may be able to get Income Support for the first 4 weeks you are abroad. You can only do this if you are unlikely to be abroad for more than 52 weeks, would still qualify for Income Support if you had stayed in the United Kingdom, and one of the following applies to you:
    * you are incapable of work because of sickness or disability and you have gone abroad only for treatment for that sickness or disability
    * you have been incapable of work for 364 days when you go abroad, you get a pensioner premium or disability premium for a partner who is going abroad with you.

    You may be able to get Income Support for the first 8 weeks if:
    * you, or you and a member of your family, are going abroad only to help a dependant who is going abroad for medical treatment from a qualified person, and
    * you are unlikely to be abroad for more than 52 weeks, and you would still qualify for Income Support if you had stayed in the UK.

    Although I suspect many people risk taking time abroad while on Income Support, they are relying on no one reporting them. I am aware of one case where a person suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder took a winter break to sunnier climes in order to benefit her health and was in very serious trouble.
  • Bump for jellyhead
  • [quote=Ted_Hutchinson;250687]From DWP income support website

    * you have been incapable of work for 364 days when you go abroad, you get a pensioner premium or disability premium for a partner who is going abroad with you.

    ** (Snipped this post as i just need to ask a question). Im claiming severe disability premium for aspergers syndrome, does this apply "4 weeks abroad without penalty" if the IS claimant is rec the disability premium?
  • i'm on income support and incapacity benefit just read this i was a bit worried as i went abroad in feb 08 for 1 week did'nt know i had to inform job centre plus phoned this morning lady said thanks for letting them no she did'nt have my ni number but as it was only for 1 week no problems
  • so how does this work.... i work fulltime and my wife part time.... yet we cant afford to holiday abroad.......?
  • [quote=atrekkie22;9825897]
  • why would you want to bother telling IS that you were going on holiday, I dont see why that should affect anything, you still have to run the house. Lucky she can afford it :confused: , being self employed there is no chance of me taking a month off!!!
  • And I bet by the time you pay for meals etc your camping may well end up more expensive than Ј50 odd quid
  • oh dear hit a few raw nerves here havent i, if you dont want me posting about hyolidays DONT RUB IN MY FACE YOUR OFF ABROAD ON MY MONEY!!!!!!!
  • Should Have Also Said If Claiment Is Genuine Then They Are Entitled To Help When Times Are Tough, Just Try Not To Rub It In !!!!!
  • I just get rather peeved when you hear about people going on holiday who are claiming benefits which is paying off their mortgage and and council tax when I am not even able to afford to get on the property ladder and when I am working and paying taxes.
    Me thinks something is wrong here!
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