02 Jul 2016

A question about : Renewable Heat Incentive

Just a reminder for those who have got legacy systems (ie installed after 15th July 2009 but before 9th April 2014) who are thinking of applying for RHI but haven't got round to it - your deadline is 8th April so if you want to get it you'd better get on with it.

There are also a few changes, biomass payments were cut by about 2p/kwh from new installs after 1st January and High Temperature Heat Pumps are now eligible as are some biomass cooker stoves. https://www.gov.uk/government/upload...ruary_2015.pdf

It's worth having a look at all the bumf to see if you might be able to claim - here is the government website https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/environment...9O%2CBEFOS%2C1

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