17 May 2016

A question about : Redundancy likely

Hello, I hope you can advise me of how best to approach this or at least ask the right questions. We are a small organisation and staff have been advised of imminent 'consultations'. We are aware that our board of trustees have discussed staffing issues on several occasions but this will be the first we hear of future plans. We have also just found out that they have been working with an external HR consultant. We all anticipate it will be redundancies, (or if there is any way of our Director changing our contracts and diddling us out of even redundancy payments we suspect she will do it).
Anyway, basically I am pregnant and from previous discussions due to finish work in October. I have been advised I will have to take my outstanding annual leave prior to maternity leave which will begin in December. My employer has already threatened me with redundancy during a prior discussions about my maternity leave. At the same time she questioned whether I intended to be a 'proper and attentive mother', questioned my relationship status and advised me that it was an inconvenience to both her and other staff. She demanded to know if I was capable of doing my job, and if I could even currently bend over. On discussing my return to work, she stated there probably wouldn't be a job for me. I did my best to stay calm and reminded her that we were discussing my maternity leave and any discussion regarding possible redundancy was an entirely separate discussion.

Currently I wish to understand what I should expect if redundancy is the topic for consultation and what my rights are. Are there key questions I should be prepared to ask at this scheduled individual consultation? (All staff have these sessions). Maternity Action suggested I was being discriminated against, but as I am in the later stages of pregnancy (3rd trimester) I really don't want additional stress if it can be avoided.

Essentially can they make me redundant while I am on maternity leave? Or just prior to going on leave, which as I have said is imminent?

Any advice gratefully received!

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