31 May 2017

A question about : Recycle elction stationery for charity

This is not a call for stationery but more in the way of something that I do in the hopes it might inspire others to do the same. So, here goes.

After every election, I contact my local election office to see if any of the stationery (pencils, rulers, scissors, pencil sharpners) that had been used at polling stations is going spare. For the past 6 years or so, they've kindly given me stationery which i then either take on holiday and give out to schools in the third world countries I visit OR, I give to local charities who might be in need of some stuff.

This arrangement came about because I enquired after one election in which I was a Presiding Officer at a polling station, as to what happened to the left over stationery. Their reply, 'we bin them'!

Maybe your local election office has no idea what to do with left over election stationery. May be you could be that person who redistributes it to better causes than a waste bin!

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