28 Jun 2019

A question about : Problems claiming pension credit ?

Is anyone out having problems claiming Pension Credit? For example: having no response, taking too long between application and actual payment, etc etc?

Best answers:

  • Thank you for your e-mail
    We would initially refer you to our website which has some useful information on the issues you are dealing with. The wesite is www.adviceguide.org.uk and states the following
    If you have made a claim for Pension Credit and been refused, or think that the amount you have been awarded is wrong, you can ask the Pension Service to look at the decision again, or you can appeal. You should do this within one month of the decision.
    If you unhappy with the service you have received from the Pension Service, for example, because of delays or errors, you should complain. You can do this whether or not you are also challenging a Pension Credit decision.
    There is also the option of contacting the Pension Service helpline on 0845 606 0265 to discuss this further.
    Following this if you feel your issue has not been resolved satisafactorily you do have the option of taking this to the next stage which would be as follows
    If your complaint is about a benefit run by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), you can ask the Independent Case Examiner Service to look into it. For more information about this service, visit their website at: www.ind-case-exam.org.uk, or phone them on 0845 606 0777.
    Kind regards
    Birmingham CAB
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