07 May 2018

A question about : Prince2 exams

Hi, I wasn't sure if this should go here or the techy section. I'm due to be made redundant shortly and have decided to invest some of the money in sitting my Prince2 exams (project management qualification), i did all the course work years ago and work to the principals but would like a formal qualification in it (didn't get opportunity at the time due to various circumstances including redundancy that time too). I want to sit my foundation and practitioner together. From what I've found the prices vary from Ј800 to Ј2000. I'd like to sit this soon. Can anyone recommend a company? I'm based in Central Scotland so could easily travel to Glasgow or Edinburgh.

Best answers:

  • I'd suggest looking on www.hotcourses.com and ringing round. If the provider is a fairly small company they may offer you a discount for not being total beginner an/or for cash.
  • Prince2 is weird - it is very difficult to take the exams without some training, and the people who can offer the training and exams are all limited by the APM Group.
    There are some open exam days for self studiers
    One warning - they have updated Prince2 in the past couple of years, so there may be some terminology changes from when you did your study.
  • I'll shortly be doing ITIL and Prince2 on a self-study basis. All it costs is the books and exam fee of around Ј99 per exam.
    Once I've finished the study material I'll be sitting it at University of the West of Scotland (Paisley Uni). You don't need to be a student to sit it here. They have a test centre for Pearson Vue, Prometric, Certiport and CTC-Online and is where I sat my Microsoft and CIW certifications.
  • Hi, Martin’s asked me to post this in these circumstances: I’ve asked Board Guides to move threads if they’ll receive a better response elsewhere (please see this rule) so this post/thread has been moved to another board, where it should get more replies. If you have any questions about this policy please email forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com.
  • It may not be relevant but have you looked in getting funding for it?
    My husband was made redundant nearly two years ago and he was able to get some sort of EU funding for his Prince 2 so didn't have to pay for it. I know this funding was only available for people who had been made redundant or were about to be made redundant. He found about it through the Job Centre (they are good for some things).
    I don't know if this type of funding is still available but it might be worth looking at?
  • I've been on ITIL and Price courses. Often the real benefit of the courses is the mock exams they give.
    I am fairly sure these foundation courses can be learned at home.
    have a look here https://www.examcollection.com/PRI-000.html
  • Is it the foundation course you're looking at? I did it via e-learning at a cost of Ј150ish plus the cost of a textbook.
  • Contact your local FE College who may have access to ESF funding called Skills Support for Redundancy (not sure about Scotland though) although they are likely to offer Prince2 with training at a lower rate & higher success rate than many (not all) private providers.
  • Hello can anybody tell me who offers the cheapest exam prices?
  • Hello
    I live in London, can anybody tell m where to get cheap Prince2 exam prices?
  • As per my previous post, contact your local FE College that provides Prince2. Or go through SPOCE (google them) to find your local provider.
  • Exam prices are fairly fixed, the variable bit is the cost of the course. You can teach yourself the course and then just pay for the exam if you want to reduce costs to a minimum
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