09 Nov 2016

A question about : Pregnancy Acne

I'm just under 30 weeks pregnant and suffering with really bad skin.

I'm not sure if it is severe enough to be classed as acne but for me it's very unusual.

Even as a teen I never suffered with many spots, the odd one here and there was about it. The past few weeks my skin has broken out terribly, I have clusters of spots around my hairline. They are quite raised, red and sore. I've also got a lot of little dry itchy spots on my chest and back. I've never suffered with spots on my chest and back before.

I've read that it can be excess oil in the skin, caused by hormones,that builds up and causes these which would make sense, especially around my hairline but I'm struggling to get them to go down.

I've tried using a few gentle scrubs and cleansers but nothing seems to help and I'm a bit fed up of them now. It's not just how they look, they are surprisingly sore.

Can anyone suggest anything I can use which may help? I'm beginning to get a little self conscious about it, especially the ones on my chest. My skin just doesn't feel like mine.

Thank you title=Smile

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