23 Jan 2016

A question about : PPI 3 year timebar "Exceptional circumstances"?

Has anybody been able to successfully circumnavigate a lapsed 3 year timebar and made a successful PPI claim by claiming exceptional circumstances?

I understand the textbook example given is If somebody was incapacitated'.

Just wondered if anyone has gone down this path (successfully or not) and what reasons they gave as their own exceptional circumstance?

Best answers:

  • While I appreciate your situation, other people's excuses will be of no use as you would not be able to prove they applied to you - the FOS 6 month referral one is strict enough (as you have to prove you could not respond for the entire period - a death in family for example might reasonably affect you for a month or two in terms of dealing with the estate but not 6 months.
    Did you get time barred by a bank after having complained before hand?
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