19 May 2016

A question about : Personal Information

Hi there,

I was wondering whether anyone knows employee rights when it comes to publishing personal data to other employee's?

A list of staff personal phone numbers was emailed out to all staff at work today which included my home and mobile number (personal not work).

Where do we stand as employee's when this kind of information is giving out? Is it ok to do so?

Best answers:

  • Depends on the reasons - if it is to allow staff to contact other employees, then it seems reasonable for these numbers to be made available - but NOT addresses. It would be shooting yourself in the foot to demand your number is confidential and you could not be contacted.
    If you want to keep it private, don't give it!
  • No. Perssonal Data should only be used by those who may need it, such as HR in case of an emergency. The reporting of this to all staff is not normal. If you are in a union, then contact your local steward, or your line manager. You may find more than one person upset over this.
    The data, personal should also be stored securely, behind a firewall and encrypted. Also the office it is in should be locked when un attended, same as the PC the HR use.
  • I would say that it could be a bit naughty to send it to all staff unless it's a small organisation. When I was on call my home number was on a list but it was only available to those people who might have a need to call me there.
  • No, you do not have to give out anything more that your Next of Kin Details to HR, for contact during emergencies. Giving to all odds and sods is the decision of the person considered. the release of this information to all staff could be a breach of Data Protection, serious if the origninator is a HR employee.
    At my work, we have a photowall, some members do not want their photo shown, so they have a blank spot instead. Their choice.
  • Just to add the information was given out on a emergency tree structure, which basically is for line managers to see whom they are responsible for when contacting due to closures, bad weather etc.
    I can see that having information would be helpful, perhaps giving it to just the line manager, but it's one big tree with every member of staff.
  • Look at the Information Commissioner's website... they also have a helpline that you could call for advice.
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