16 May 2017

A question about : Perhaps worthy of support?


Hi, came across this new campaign which pressed some buttons for me. I had wondered about posting it in other places here on MSE but decided to at least make this area the first stop. Cheers title=You

Best answers:

  • Initially I was in favour of this campaign, but can I play devil's advocate, as an alternative argument has been put forward.
    I was watching a presentation (can't remember which one now) by Steven Chu. He's a Nobel winning physicist and used to be US Energy Secretary. He's a clean energy and energy efficiency campaigner.
    His talks are very informative and worth a watch.
    In one of them, and it may have been a Q&A part, not main lecture (sorry for poor memory) but he was against this campaign for the simple reason that the problem is huge and the energy companies are huge. To solve the problem without them is near impossible now so will require their cooperation. So going to war with them might be counter-productive if they are forced into a defensive posture.
    I appreciate that this campaign is aimed to persuade them to change their position/direction. It's a tough situation/problem and I'm not against the campaign, just saying ....
  • I was reading an article yesterday in New Scientist on this subject. It's nice and short, and simply sets out a for and an against argument. I thought it interesting, and pushes me towards the divestment argument ..... I think?
    Should we all get out of fossil fuels now?
  • Divestment from fossil fuels is gathering a little momentum in the US.
    Leading Stanford professors call for end to fossil fuel investment
  • It looks (to me) like the ethical argument is being supported, even overtaken by an economic argument that's gaining momentum:
    World's biggest sovereign wealth fund dumps dozens of coal companies
  • Fossil fuel lobby goes on the attack against divestment movement
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