04 May 2018

A question about : Pay review...does a empolyer have a timescale to respond?


Just wondering if anyone can help.
I requested a performance review and pay rise review from my employer back in August, I had the review in Sept and all went well. I haven't had one in 5 years and having researched I'm not being paid in line with what someone doing my job should be getting (by about Ј4ph)
I am still waiting to hear the outcome. In October I was told to give them 2 weeks after countless chasing and meeting being rescheduled at the last minute by my office manager he has since Dec stopped replying to my emails when I request a meeting to discuss or to find out the outcome.
Is there a time frame that they should be responding in? I am getting extremely fed up but as I only work part time and in school hours they know I am not in a position to easily be able to find another job.

Best answers:

  • From what I know, employer isn't obliged to review the pay unless there is a contractual right unfortunately.
    I know many people gone without a review for years in my work place as they are already on higher grades/salaries.
    This doesn't mean they don't have to be responsive but again I don't think there is a timescale to respond either.
  • Hi,
    They have agreed to a pay rise but are just hanging it out, just wasn't sure if there was also a time scale that a manager had to respond to my email seeing as they are now being ignored.
  • You could use the grievance process to deal with this. Speak to your union rep for advice and support (assuming you are a member??).
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