27 Dec 2015

A question about : Partner refused JSA, I'm in an IVA

Hi all,

I'm in an IVA, will be for the next 4 years. All of my money is accounted for, yet because my partner hasn't paid enough NI contributions over the past two years she's been turned down for JSA.

I earn above the threshold for my partner to be accepted on income based JSA, but i have no spare money for her to live on as all spare cash is taken into the IVA.

How on earth do we live? Is there anything that can be done here?

Best answers:

  • Advise your IVA provider of a change in circumstances. Encourage your partner to take any work available. Have they registered with all your local agencies?
  • Yeah, she's been registered with 3 agencies since october 2014, she applies for jobs daily but just doesn't have any responses, she's worked years in retail, on zero hour contracts travelling an hour out of her way, for a 2 hour shift, plus parking charges, coming home having LOST money! Unsurprisingly she told that job she just can't afford to stay there, and just hasn't been able to get anything since.
    I'm at the end of my tether, i struggle every month to rub two sticks together, let alone support her too...
  • Is she tailoring every cover letter and CV to the job ?
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