26 Sep 2016

A question about : OS Dog training treats

I've started sending the whole family (me, hubbie, 2 dogs!) to clicker training classes - Max is used to expensive freeze dried liver, and the people running the class wanted to feed Jez hotdog (not very healthy IMO) so with a bit of research I have found this cheap, healthy recipe, and thought I would share it!!

Fish training treats

Whatever fish is on special offer/ sell by date - or go fishing title=Big
Flour - tablespoon or 2, depending on quantity of fish.
Milk (possibly)

Debone and mash up the fish - a few seconds in the food processor is great.
Add a little flour
If needed, add a splash of milk.
You are making a dough-like substance (but smellier!). Roll out (good luck!)

Bake in the oven, eg 180 degrees. Precooked mackerel took 10 minutes, uncooked kippers took longer. Don't overcook - the end result should still be soft and squishy.

Cool, cut into chunks, freeze any extra!!

Both my dogs went MAD for it - definately better than hotdog!!

I am not positive about the bone situation - tiny bones are actually healthy (calcium) but larger bones may/may not be dangerous. Personally I am taking the safe option of removing bones!

Hope this is of help to anyone!?

Best answers:

  • When my Brandy was a pup, we used to use tiny pieces of cheddar cheese, sausages cut up very small, and scraps of any ham
    Worked for him
  • Hey all,
    My dogs would go mad for the treats the dog washer would bribe them with(fabulous mobile dog washer - have 2 dobermans who dislike baths so cannot manage them myself )
    Inspired I made them myself - bought lambs liver, boiled it in garlicky water (made sure I used my mum's house for this I am not stupid!) (HATE the smell of liver). Chopped it up when cooked through (few mins) and baked in oven for about one hour (they were rock hard- you don't need to bake for so long - depends how dry you want them).
    Dogs loved them - it felt like a bit of a faff and I can get a big box of dog biscuits in Lidl for 69p - but at least I knew they were healthy treats and they would not get fat on them.
    I would try other recipes so hope more are posted
  • we were advised to make liver cake at our clicker training.
    1 lb liver
    1 lb flour
    2 eggs
    garlic powder (50g)
    Liquidize liver, eggs and garlic in food processor.
    Add 1/2 flour and blend well
    Add remaining flour a little at a time,add water if nec. to give a firm,but pourable mixture.
    Microwave in flat bottomed dish for 10 mins on full. Turn and do for another 5/10 mins.
    cool cut into cubes and freeze until needed.
    Offal is very cheap .
  • When I was training Bob, I bought a pack of Winalot Rewards sticks, and chopped them into about 5 mm pieces with a knife. They cost about Ј1.40 for 15, but are often on special offers in Pets at Home etc.
    It was enough for a reward when training, but not enough to fill him up so he was still hungry for his meal.
    Just an alternative for those who can't be bothered to make their own
  • Our dog's normal diet is a complete dried food & all we did for treats when we were at training classes was take a handful of his usual food. Cost - nothing as we were advised just to reduce his normal dinner by the same amount.
    It helps that he's the greediest dog in the world of course. He even once ate a pickled onion that I dropped on the kitchen floor. He kept spitting it out & pulling a face but even though he obviously thought it was really nasty he persevered until it had all gone!
    Dobies are wonderful aren't they sparklymessygirl?
  • Dobie,
    they are wonderfully mad dogs - mine are very stupid! They will eat anything - they love cabbage leaves. We all suffer after they've eaten these Last week one ate a teabag! Have you got a doberman at the moment?
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