15 Dec 2016

A question about : only one key with used vehicle

my mate purchased a used vehicle from a well known dealership
it had only one key. we question this at the time and they said we would have to go to kia dealership to get a key.
my mate went to a locksmith who said they could cut a key and programme it but when they put it into their machine it said cannot programme.
The assistant said the dealership what sold the vehicle should have provide two keys and we would have to go to a kia dealership to get a key. and its Ј160 for a key.

Best answers:

  • Are they supplied new with more than one key?
  • I would be going back to the dealer who sold it to your mate, and kick up a fuss - I'd try to get at least half the price of the new key.
    Ј160 is actually a not bad price for a new genuine key.
    For some cars it's over Ј250!
    Never buy a car with only one key - you're bound to mislay it at some point and then the price for a replacement hikes up as you have no old key to clone the new one from.
    Some keys can only be supplied from the factory on special order - so even more inconvenience of waiting.
  • It was sold and assume priced to reflect only having one key?
    Seems they made it clear you/they needed to goto a dealer to get a 2nd key.
    As they said you need a dealer to get another. So why not goto a dealer and get one? Tried the cheaper option which didnt work so the only option left is..
  • If you've got a Timpsons nearby they'll clone the existing key for about Ј50
  • A cloned key will have the same key code so cannot be wiped from the system without wiping out both keys.
    You wont be able to wipe the missing key from the system either. So someone will have a key than will start your car.
  • Your mate shouldn't have paid the balance of any monies for the car until the garage got the second key. Car salespeople lie.
  • Oh yeah. It was late last night hence I didn't read the first post properly.
    As you were.
  • thanks for your replys my mate is going to the main dealer.
  • Very often the reason for only having 1 key is because the car has been a cat d (or worse) write off.
  • Its Ј169.99 just for the pre coded key fob and a blade to be cut, to be purchased from kia Korea (dealers send off for them) so long as you have the fob code that's in the handbook when you order it. If don't have the fob codes thats usually on the sticker inside the user manual, its a further Ј239.99 ontop of the key price in labor time and coding fee's. Ive seen the price list I got shown it when getting my proceed as a deterrent not to lose my key!. I had 2 keys with my 2013 proceed.
  • This lost key business seems to be prevalent to the extent that I frequently see cars advertised with "two keys" being included in the description as if that's something special. Seems to me that one key is a sign of shoddy previous ownership like assorted makes of tyre around the car.
  • Not the dealers problem, you bought a car with only one key, it's that simple. If you wanted additional goodies with your purchase then you should h ave discussed this before buying.
    They've done nothing wrong. They're not legally required to provide two keys. Anything they may offer is nothing more than a gesture of goodwill.
    sorry if this bursts the bubble op but some posters have said to expect the dealer to sort it, this isn't the case so don't go in blazing
  • out of curousity, can a blank key work without a transponder? on my cat it can you just have to get in and start the car within 20 seconds of opening the door with a key otherwise the alarm will go off.
    so if it is operable - just stick with the copy without transponder for backup purposes
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