03 May 2018

A question about : One month in arrears pay?!

Hi - sorry if this is a stupid question. My OH started his new job on 16th June. The company pay one months in arrear. Therefore would get paid at the end of July for part of this month and July or would he have to wait until August?


Best answers:

  • Depending on whether he was added to the payroll quickly or not i'd expect him either to get paid for 16th of june to the end of the month at the end of the month, or to get paid for a month and a half at the end of July, I don't see getting paid for 2.5 months at the end of August as a likely option at all.
  • Usually month in arrears means you get paid on the last working day of the month, for the month you have just worked. Like Bamber says, it depends how quick payroll are with getting him set up as to whether he gets paid for the first time in June or July.
  • Usually this means 'monthly in arrears' rather than '1 month in arrears'. All this means is
    (1) Annual salary is paid equally in 12 parts - one twelth paid every month on the agreed pay day, and
    (2) 'in arrears' means that employeess are paid AFTER they have completed the required hours/duties (ie paid at the end of June for work done in June, rather than being paid in advance for work to be done in July).
    As Bamber pointed out, it does depend how on the ball a payroll department are as to first months salary, but under normal circumstances, hubs will likely be paid each month for that particular month, not the one before it.
  • If you do have to wait..ask for an interim advancement to soften the blow, in my experience most companies are happy to do this in first month of employement especially if you have missed processing periods (probably more sympathetic with the credit crunch on!!) :-)
  • It entirely depends on the payroll cut off date that your employer has set. When I started my job it was mid-month but my employer's payroll cut off was the 7th of the month. Say I started on the 15th January - I went onto the payroll on February 7th, and then got paid a month and a half on 28th February.
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