13 May 2018

A question about : Office etiquette

This may seem a strange request...

I am currently coming to the end of a 1 year contract working in a busy finance office (I only do administration work)

I always find it difficult fitting in as 'the new girl' - so I'm looking for advice.

How should I approach my first day at my next office admin job.

Best answers:

  • Turn up on time, say hello and do your job well.
    (Without knowing what you've been doing up to now, it's hard to comment.)
  • Smile! Listen to instructions and take notes if you're being shown systems etc. At lunch break chat to people & smile. Is this the kind of advice you want?
  • Smile, arrive on time, dress well and look interested ( even if you are not!). I would say be yourself as well. If you are too loud or try too hard it can annoy people.
  • Don't lick people's faces. Don't beak wind. Don't bring your pet budgie to work.
  • Same here but I only found it harder the more jobs I had to be honest! so you'll be alright
    This seems a recent link
    Would like to say at same time don't stress to impress, just be yourself, but prepared to do anything but not gossip and that it takes time to settle into any role really x
  • Be yourself; each workplace has its own dynamic, and if you try and overthink things you'll just confuse yourself.
    The worst places are the ones which have a little clique centred around a self-appointed king-pin (or queen-pin!), who takes it upon themself to decide whether you are worthy of approval or not.
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