29 Jan 2017

A question about : Offer of shower/washing clothes etc

It may be too far to drive as I live near Evesham, but if anybody is desperate for a shower or to wash some clothes etc, I would be willing to help. Please pm me with a phone number & when I get in from work tomorrow (or rather later on this) afternoon I'll get back to you.

Best answers:

  • thats very kind of you! nice to see the community spirit is still alive and kicking im sure your offer will help someone out, i was lucky enough to get a shower earlier today but i had to drive 20 miles to get it, but it was worth it...never have i enjoyed a shower so much
  • Nice gesture, I really feel so sorry for those people who are suffering and that includes Yorkshire, Humberside areas who suffered a few weeks back
  • Although I had a nightmare journey home last Friday trying every single route from Evesham to our village I could think of and eventually getting home 3 1/2 hours later (normally 6 mins) and then the village being totally cut off, I have not been affected by flooding or having no water at my house.
    I feel physically sick and am close to tears every time I hear about it all, watch the news or just think about the thousands of people suffering. I just feel I would like to do something (other than the red cross donation I've made) to help someone - I know that if my house had been destroyed by floodwater and I had no water/electric I would be so very grateful for any help and kindness shown. I think most people feel like this and have shown that community spirit is very strong with only a small number of exceptions with the looting, buying and reselling water etc.
    I am planning to take some water/blankets/towells over to the dog rescue place in Swindon village on Saturday. I know that there are lots of people in dire need of help, but the poor animals are suffering too.
  • Just got in from work & checked my pms.
    I have contacted the people that have left a number and now have 7 families popping in for a shower over the weekend. Look forward to meeting you at arranged times. If you bring some containers over you can fill them from my tap to take home.
    A special thanks to Anita from Cheltenham who offered to drop off the water/blankets at the dogs home for me.

  • For Dundeedoll
  • I've thanked you dundeedoll. Not because I need your services (thankfully - but don't take that in a bad way!!), but because you really are a great example of the supportive MSE (and indeed the UK) community!
  • Errata and rharper83 thanks for your comments.
    I have tried to contact my 7 'visitors' but have not got through to all of you, just to say:
    'Please don't bother bringing towells, shower gel, shampoo, hairdryer etc, it's all here.'
  • Dundeedoll it does restore my faith in mankind well done!
  • Ive thanked you too DundeeDoll, thats a really thoughful offer for you to put out - it restores my faith in mankind too!
    Jo x
  • Im going to thank you too - you are a star.
  • Awww how amazing. I'm no where near the flooded areas but I just looked in and saw this! You have managed to restore my faith in human kindness, What an incredibly nice person you are. the world need more people like you!
  • Superb Dundeedoll, well done
    Thats really nice of you
  • The queues at Dundeedoll's house are just as long as those at Tesco and other locations water is being given out.
    If I was closer I would have done as much as I could to help out. I'm meeting some friends in Nottingham that come from the areas affected and offered to take them water and anything else they may need. I did the same for friends over in Rotherham the other week.
    I'm just so happy I live at the top of a hill.
  • Oh Dundeedoll, you have reduced me to tears! and that really is no mean feat for a hard faced c0w like me!
    What a wonderful and thoughtful gesture
    I am lucky to live high up in Derbyshire so haven't been affected, but my uncle and aunt in Cheltenham did get some flooding - albeit minor.
    I hope you meet some wonderful MSE'rs today, even if they are naked in your house
    You are a star and should get post of the month/a knighthood/sainthood etc etc!
    There should be more like you in the world then we'd not go far wrong...
    Good on ya kid! xxx
  • Thank you so much for all your posts.
    I really don't feel I have done enough to deserve the praise tho'! By that I mean that all I'm doing is offering my shower and washing machine to someone. Mind you, I do know what you mean, I would probably be thinking the same!
    The image that stays in my mind is of the young man drowning in his red 4 wheel drive in floodwater under a bridge. The water was up to the top of it and he couldn't open the doors. By sheer luck he had an automatic sunroof and when he pressed the button it opened. He had problems getting out, but another young man had seen the car flooding and went and saved his life. The way people have all helped each other is truly amazing.
    The emergency services were real heroes, seeing that helicopter feet away from rooftops rescuing people still makes me have goosebumps.
    Anyway, I met 4 amazing families today. We arranged it so that they would arrive staggered enough to have their showers in peace (thank god I've got a combi boiler and not an immersion tank!!) but were all here til just now. I cooked a HUGE saucepan of chilli (knew that big pot my mum insisted on giving me from her restaurant kitchen 5 years ago would come in useful one day!) and we all sat around eating our chilli waiting for the washing machine to do it's bit. It was really nice and as well as them all enjoying their showers I think it lifted their spirits too.
    Now, they do say what comes around goes around!
    Well, I have benefited fom all of this -apart from feeling I've been able to do a tiny bit to help - and this is where this thread becomes moneysaving!
    One of the men that came is a landscape gardener and noticed my huge conifer hedges are well overdue for a trim. He has insisted he will come in September and sort them out for free!
    Another chap is an electrician and we were chatting about the electrics and when your house floods etc. I mentioned that I still have one of the old wire fuseboxes. He has offered to pick up a new fusebox (which I will pay for) through his trade account and then he insisted that he will fit it for free!
    Thanks so much Trevor and Dave!
    Off to cook my next batch of chilli now............
  • Karma - it really does exist.
    I've been thinking about you on and off today and wondering how things were going, so thank you very much for giving us an update. I think your one woman emergency service is wonderful, and clearly so do many others. Stay safe and my warmest regards.
  • you really are a wonderful person.
  • What a generous thought. i'm off now to nominate you for post of the month!!!
  • DD, I think you are wonderful.
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