29 Oct 2017

A question about : o2 advent comp

Did anyone else on here win anything from this and have received your prize?
I won a beauty bundle and was told my prize would be with me in 28days. We have now gone past that and they have not responded to my email. ( I emailed person who sent me WEM) How long should i wait to email again or should i try and contact someone else at O2?

First time ive not had a prize turn up so not sure what to do.

Thanks x

Best answers:

  • I didn't win but am an O2 customer, try sending them a tweet (if you use Twitter) they usually put you in touch with right department fairly quickly.
    I had a win I had to chase and chase with a big company, and it was because 2 of the people I was dealing with had moved on so the emails I was sending were never seen!
  • Thank you. I have just tweeted them now so will see what happens.
  • I won twice with them.. 2 small prizes. Both emails were from different people and both passed on to the suppliers for fulfillment. 1st arrived very promptly before christmas and the 2nd took just about the 28 days.
    I know I've cleared the emails now but they may still be in my bin. If you don't have any luck drop me a pm and I will check. I would probably only wait up to a week before responding with another chaser.
  • Yep just checked and I still have 1 of them.. it came from Hearst magazines. Didnt realise O2 were part of them.
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