14 Aug 2015

A question about : The (not so old) Crocks Cafe

*Raises the shutters*

*puts out tables and chairs outside to take advantage of the October sunshine*

*Puts out sign saying 'open for business'*

Anyone for afternoon tea and a chat? title=Thanks,

Members of the Crocks Club

1 zzzLazyDaisy
2 kpwll
3 hm71
4 rosieben
5 Sharon59
6 sparrer
7 lozzer90
8 littlemissmanics
9 Horace
10 margaretclare
11 pink_fairy
12 Lame Wolf
13 lucyhope
14 Altocumulus
15 Kaat Lady
16 Pink Jenn
17 Carbonel
18 Pipkin
19 JJ7
20 raeh
21 wildflower
23 Magenta
24 Rebel
25 philnicandamy
26 nichart

Best answers:

  • aaahhhh , this is the life , lol, winds a bit chilly though!! any cake to go with my cuppa?
  • Mines a latte and slice choc cake-will forget the diet for the day!!!
  • Hi Sam! Here is a GINORMOUS cream cake, on the house, seeing as you're our first customer! Good job its virtual .... no calories
    Sorry its breezy... *switches patio heater on and gets Sam a nice warm tartan rug for her knees*
  • Hi Sharon, here you are - calorie free cake and latte ....
  • So, you two, what have you been doing today (apart from dossing around the cafe?)
    Anything interesting?
  • I'm not disabled but as my sig says my son has spastic quadreplegia cp, would I be ok to join in from a carer's side of things
  • Hi Verianna - welcome, pull up a pew and help yourself to coffee and cake
    How is your day going?
  • Not too bad thanks! Just waiting on the other half to get in then I am going for a very rare lunch date with a girlie friend. Last one was about 6 months ago so I'm very excited about a few hours 'off time'
  • ohhhh...nice and posh
    room for a little one?
  • Hi Phil and welcome - help yourself to coffee and calorie free cake! How has your day been?
    Verianna, enjoy your girlie lunch, sounds like you will enjoy a little 'me' time x
  • Thank you for the welcome....day so far? having an off one pain wise but dont grumble...epsecially when free cake is on offer!
  • Sorry to hear about the pain I get a lot of back pain and joint pain, and have wheatie bags all over the house ready to grab (the sort that you heat in a microwave).
    I have spent the whole day searching for a decent photo printer (have just joined a camera club) - found what I wanted, searched for codes, went through rpoints.... in true MSE style.... eventually got to checkout only to find that there is no availability in ant stores in a 60 mile radius. Arrrggghhhhhh!
    But at least I know which one I want now
  • well least you know what you need....hmm know how frustrating it can be though for sure! I had something smilar a while ago & with my arthritis/back prob/crumbling knees its easier said than done to get out but I do drive under protest..just dont walk very well (drive an automatic car) I placed an order online to collect in store to be told yep we have what you want ready by blah blah...I dragged myself down to the store to be told...sorry the computer told you wrong grrrr!!!!
    no wheatie bags....have a couple of teddie bears that microwave (I know not a good luck for a grown bloke!) but hey if it helps
  • Ahhhh! Teddies! They sound lovely, where do you get them?
    Yeah, I drive an automatic car now too - changed over in 2005, best thing I ever did!
    I have back problems and I use a chi machine (you lay on your back and put your ankles on the machine and it moves your legsgently from side to side, so that the motion goes up your back in a sort of fish movement). Anyway, it works for me when I have that snatchy pain that makes me yelp, and I feel more relaxed when I've used it.
    Having said that, it has been languishing at the back of a cupboard for months, I think I have just convinced myself to get it out again!
  • Micro teddies were from here (beddie bears!)
    Hmm my back trouble came from a car accident a coupld of years ago, ended up with a couple of crushed vertebrae..along with everything else..in turn this has affected nerves in my hand (no feeling) and my shoulders & neck...although saying that Chi machine sounds fun!
  • Oh thanks! I might have to treat myself to a teddy now!
    I got my chi machine from a local place, but this is the sort of thing:
    I injured my back in a car accident too, but when the MRI scans were done they found I had a degenerative condition of the spine - so it turned out I was an old crack all along, I just didn't know it yet
    Right, I'm off to do some more research on photo printers......
    Help your self to coffee and cakes
  • coughs, scrapes chair along floor towards keyboard....
    chocolate eclairs - are they on the menu...?
    Black coffee with a large dash of Tia Maria would go down nicely too...
  • Mine's a cappuccino with a dash of vanilla.
    Lovely cafe, very welcoming. May it stay open a very long time...
  • Mind you, service is a bittie slow ..... (scrapes tongue off of cheek bone)
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