29 Dec 2016

A question about : Fighting back rail operators

I'm sitting in a South Eastern railway train right now, queuing up to get into London Bridge and now very late for work.

This is a daily frustration for me and has become the norm.

I'm really at loss as to how one can fight back.

The last time I tried to claim back for a cancelled train, by claim was rejected on the basis that the train was only delayed by 29 minutes. I remember on the board it was down as cancelled so I had to find other alternatives. I haven't claimed again since, because of the hassle in submitting a claim and having it rejected.

I think some collective effort is needed to fight back these operators and I'm asking for suggestions. I'd like to set up a forum group or something, but I can't think of any fight back strategies.

Best answers:

  • It's not really surprising that there are delays at LB given the amount of work that is being done there. I doubt if the TOCs have much control over it just now, so if your campaign resulted in anything it could be that they'd just lengthen the timetabled journey times. Can you get a train that avoids LB until the work is finished?
  • Sugarbabe - I can understand the frustration. All transport systems continue to evolve, and major improvements usually involve short or medium term hold ups. The recent widening of the M1 north of London took years, and there was no compensation for anyone - people were forced to adjust their personal routes and/or timetables.
    The volume of traffic and the number of commuters which routinely travel in and out of London on a daily basis is phenomenal, and it is not really surprising that some of the major hubs need to be modernised from time to time.
    The best way to gain the moral high ground would be to start cycling to work.
  • morning, not a lot you can do to fight them back, try their pockets
  • What is so much hassle to submit a claim? The two TOCs I've claimed through its just a one page form which takes 5 mins to fill out, send with tickets and a few weeks later get a refund.
  • Some of the TOC`s seem lees than helpful when it comes to refunds, anybody would think it`s their money
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