01 Oct 2015

A question about : E: 28/02 Win Ј50 of Oxford University Press books or ipod shuffle


1. According to the Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America, 2nd edition, what does a whole fish represent when served on the Chinese New Year?

Answer = Prosperity

2. What did author and royal tutor Roger Ascham write for the queen as a new year's gift in 1568?

Answer = a Latin poem of thanksgiving

3. The first definition of party in the OED is ‘A division of a whole; a part, portion, or share. Also: a part of the body. Obs.’ What year is the first evidence of party meaning ‘A social gathering, esp. of invited guests at a person's house, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment. Also fig.’?

Answer = D. 1707

4. In which year did Cadbury’s replace Frys of Bristol as the country’s largest cocoa and chocolate manufacturer?

Answer = 1910

Best answers:

  • library name is an issue.
  • Not working - it just the place plus library and it won't accept it.
  • Also struggling with library name, perhaps someone could post an example of a name that has worked. Might help. thanks
  • Central worked for me. Hope that helps
  • Central didn't work for me thanks anyway.
  • I just put the name of my local branch library and it went through fine.
  • I just put my town one and it won't accept it, tried central, tried a few other towns near me. Won't accept it urghh
  • I can't get it to work either :/
  • I entered my town, Stevenage, and it went through fine as well
    thanks OP
  • Thank you guys xx ..but sadly this didn't work for me..put in my city and it DIDN'T go through..?? Frustrating
  • Same here, whatever I do it doesn't work.
  • OMG ..it worked!! Thank you snakepilsen, you're a STAR!! xx
  • I use Mac, don't have IE x
  • Confirmed - couldnt get it to work in chrome but worked in IE - HUGEEE thanks @snakepilsen
  • I left it blank and it seemed to work ok
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