15 Jul 2015

A question about : Another real work at home job (inbound sales)

Following on from the real work at home thread started in
Sept 07, which has been very popular and gained allot of people
a new homeworking job (inc me), for those who don't know that job
is broadband technical support.

Teletech have just started to recruit for a inbound sales
job which offers the same homeworking benefits but is ideal
for those who enjoy sales type roles more and would be suited
better in this role than tech support

Here are some details on the Role:

Description of position:

Associates will handle inbound calls from existing customers requesting broadband service. Associates will be responsible for closing these calls and also attaching digital phone services.

Pay 6.0 per hour plus commission

Hours of operation
M-F 4:30pm - 11:00pm
Sat and Sun 9:30am -6:00pm

Shifts 19-22 hours per week and will include Saturday and Sunday

Training Starts 4/14/08 and will be 32.5 hours per week for 3 weeks. There will be several training classes so the candidate must be available Monday- Friday 4:30 to 11:00pm, Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 - 3:00pm.

Interested applicants can go to www.hirepoint.com/athome and apply to job 006ZB,

Good luck to those who are going to apply
and feel free to ask any questions, also this is a good place for people to share there experiences with the recruitment process .

Oliver title=Have

Best answers:

  • applied, had my phone interview with Ellen today and have just submitted another assessment so fingers crossed. Only question is it says 4.30pm -11 mon-fri. does this mean its set in stone?
    just wondered because 5pm would be better for me really, give me a little breather when i get back from my day job thats all? anyone know?
  • Hi mark, the shifts will be inside those hours so you might
    for example do 7-11.
    I think it will work just like when I applied for the tech job,
    once you get accepted you will have a chance to pick a shift
    that fits in best to your needs
    good-luck with your application mate.
  • Thanks Oliver, thats good news at least. I was a little concerned
    She said 3 days to find out, we live and hope
  • Mark ~ Good Luck, hope you do find out in 3 days! I had interview last tuesday, got told 3 days, then on fri i did another assesment. Still not heard anything. Guess ive got the same recruiter as you too, ellen.
    I wish i could just be told if i got the job or not.
  • I know the wait is killing me,
    but as i said fingers crossed and good luck to you too
  • hi guys. well i did 2 years in a call centre so decided to give the sales vacancy a try. Registered my interest on monday and they called me same day asking if i was still interested. said yes. did the assessments yesterday and a woman (lisa) called me this evening to say i had passed and could i join a conference call in the morning at 11am. She did say that they were having real trouble as the technical assessments were not getting sent back to them for some reason and asked if i would do it again another 3 times to see if one of those would get back.Have done it again and again and again so fingers crossed they will get it back this time lol.
    Anyway anyone else on the call at 11am tomorrow morning?? if so my name is Ellen and so HELLO!!
  • Hi specsappeal you sound like a great applicant, and have got
    some perfect experience so I hope you do really well tomorrow
    what are you looking forward to the most about working from home?
    for me not having to sit in traffic jams is a bonus .
  • hi all,
    well I'm looking forward to doing some paid work as i have been helping my husband for the last few years!
    also not having to get dressed up will be good and having to only walk up/downstairs to get to and leave work!!
  • Ellen got back to me to say all matchpoint test successfull and the tech assessment passed, she said she will be in touch in the next day or two. Hopefully the interview was passed too but im not so confident fingers and toes now crossed
  • Goodluck mate
  • well had phone interview today - it lasted 45 minutes! also have 2nd telephone interview at 4pm tomorrow. The only thing is that i still cant get my technical assessments sent off. Any ideas??
    I have updated java. Firewalls are switched off. Pop up blocker is disabled. I was also unable to access the meeting place for the conference call - i don't know if thats connected somehow??
    in the browser test in meeting place it came up as failed and asked me to download something. I did this but it still wouldn't connect.
    For the technical assessment i get to the part where it tells you to put in hirepoint id, name and address then when i press enter it goes straight back to the 'press start to begin the assessment' page. I have done it at least 30 times today and now i am past caring almost. on a couple of occassions on the technical assessment i have managed to get past the hirepoint id page and it comes up as checking my isp and tells me thats all fine. Then when i press the button to send the results it goes back to the first page again!! aaarrrggghhh!!! any help guys before i go totally mad.
  • If people were trying to install say, Skype or MS Office and had so many problems, they'd give up and go elsewhere. Looks like your potential employer does not feel the need to be motivated to make your software easy to use or to provide proper debug messages.
  • Couple of basics Specs
    Are you using the latest version
    of firefox for the meeting place
    and also have you got the latest
    version of flashplayer for firefox?
    if not try the above then go see
    how far you get with the browser
  • omg what awful hours all day sat and sunday what about going out at the weekends i couldnt be stuck in front of the pc at weekends especially when it s hot and sunny want to be out there enjoying it.
  • Think you miss understand the post,
    the hours of operation are for the whole
    project, does not mean your shift will be
    a full 9-6 at weekends
    And of course if the hours dont suit
    your life then of course you dont have
    to apply
    but allot of people are happy to work
    weekends and have weekdays free,
    what ever floats your boat as they say
    I love weekdays in summer as I can do lots
    of mountain biking (My Hobby) in the week
    and avoid all the oneday a week wonders
    on a Saturday
  • specsappeal ~ Im round about the same stage as you, got my 2nd interview this aft! Did ellen mention that this interview is with the client.
    She said normally this doesnt happen but as its for a new client, it is!
    Im dreading it, get so nervous before hand, and plus i havent a clue what questions will be asked :rolleyes:
    Good luck to everyone
  • Hi Kylesmum,
    about the 2nd interview, i was told that it was with senior teletech managers as the work is for an existing client (i think we all know who that is). Because it is a brand new sales department they are setting up they want to make sure that the people applying have some sort of either sales or call centre experience. the 2nd interview is all about assessing your existing skills to see if they match what they are looking for. They are not phoning me for the interview i have to phone them (via 0800 number as the managers are in Denver usa). My 1st interview was with Amy not Ellen and she said that if sales did not suit then she would recruit me for the technical department instead.
    Oliver - thanks for your help but i finally figured out that my ethernet card is not supported by teletech so i will have to buy the specified Belkin usb 10/100 ethernet adapter. These have been discontinued now so have been looking around for one - the cheapest being Ј39 from amazon. I am not willing to buy it just in case i don't get a firm offer so will wait and see what happens after the interview and decide then whether to get it or not.
  • Hi Specsappeal ~ I got mixed up there i think, brand new department, i thought new client :rolleyes:
    How has your interview gone? Good Luck
  • hi kylesmom.
    The interview went very well although I was expecting to speak to one person and a completely different one was on the line. The guy i spoke to is going to be one of the sales managers and he was really friendly. Had the usual 'can you tell me a time where....' questions. He said I would hear by Wednesday but said that he would have no problem having me on a team of his (huge boost for my confidence but maybe he said that to all his interviewees).
    For those interested the pay is actually Ј6.35 per hour and bonuses on top of that and first lot of training will start on 14th April. He also advised that finding out as much as you can about the client would be a good thing to do.
    How did your interview go?? I hope you weren't too nervous and that it went well .
    Just got to sort out the damn ethernet thingymajig so that my computer can pass the technical assessment.
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