15 Jul 2015

A question about : After the Work Programme

So, secondary to the WP thread here there are a few who have now finished and have had their meetings at the JC.

What have they now put in place for you and how often are you going to the JC etc?

What 'support' have they offered you?

My meeting tomorrow is about support so would like to know what they have told you all here

Best answers:

  • What support do you want?
  • Why do you need them to have contacts? What would they do with those contacts? Give them to every tom dick and harry?
  • We've spent 2 years on the useless work programme whos job it is to contact employers and help us, and by the looks of it its been alot of help (sarcasm)
  • You are right than an adviser should know their stuff, but in reality they get very little down time to keep up with changes in legislation.
    BUT as far as the rules state you still have to be available and actively seeking regardless or part time work and the staff will have to treat you the same as any other jobseeker.
    An advisers job is to ensure jobseekers have all the necessary skills to be job ready and satidfying the rules of claiming JSA. They can offer support and where necessary mandate to provision. As for attitude have you seen the grief staff have to put up with now a days? It is not an excuse but with the pressures form above staff are really struggling.
  • The work programme have BDC officers who are meant to do that ie contact companies get jobs in etc but they do not do this.
    This was the 'support' I was told I would get and that they act like an agency
    Had my appointment today and its the same as before the WP. The JCA was not impressed with the feedback she had heard about the WP full stop and even laughed at some of the things I told her
    In regards to my exit report the WP have lied and said I missed 8 appointments which I never did so am taking that further with the WP provider and my MP if I have to.
    Had to also see the National Careers Service which was a bit pointless and at home spent 2 hours doing the online assessment that tells me nothing that I didn't already know.
    The JCA ended with saying there was nothing she could do to help me as my CV was excellent and I have a good cover letter.
  • A recruitment drive for Avon!!! FFS!, Avon isnt a proper job which can support a person and their family, its pin money.
    Its seriously sick hearing things like that, this country need proper work for people whereby they can support themselves and sign off.
    I've never heard anything so daft in all my life.
  • God you make so many excuses. You weren't looking for cleaning or security work because the JC didn't put is on your job seekers agreement so you thought you weren't allowed?
    How much experience do you think a cleaner needs?
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