17 Jul 2015

A question about : DWP Recruiting Again

It was going to be a matter of time but new vacancies are up nationwide for you lovely people looking to work for the DWP (in Jobcentres no less) and they're on permanent contracts which is a big plus in this current climate of casual, temporary and fixed-term uncertainty.

If you're interested in applying:


Sort the department by Department of Work and Pensions and you'll find the relevant processes from there on. Closing date's on the 22nd of this month.

Good luck!

On a side-note, I find it quite frustrating that most (not all according to thunderbolt) fixed-term appointees were not kept on to deal with whatever the government needs help with now (probably the relabelled New Deal policies). All those hours FTAs spent in training sessions, inductions, making good contacts with provider etc. It seems like history keeps repeating itself for the DWP regardless of whoever's in charge.

Best answers:

  • Seems there are 50 in the local area. No wonder my JC is so short staffed if they are taking on 50 in the area
  • I think you'll find that some FTA's were made permanent. This was the case in the West London District it just depends on the area. Me, peresonally I'm so glad I ddn;t stay for the whole of my FTA appointment. The combination of targets and dealing with customers that weren't genuinley looking for work made it very difficult to work in such an environment. Good look to all that apply though. I did a search for London and it seems that most if not all of the London based vancancies are for EO's which are probably all adviser roles.
  • thank you for this, i know someone who will be happy to apply.
  • I believe about 4000 vacancies is the figure. Surely it would be better if the JC recruiters went after the cream of the staff whose contracts ended last year. At least then they wouldn't have to spend time and money training them up from the bottom, just put them on a short refresher course as appropriate. That would save the taxpayer thousands! I bet they won't though, and they will end up taking on people at EO or even higher level who have no experience in dealing with the public. There are a lot of lower grade workers in the JC who deserve the chance of promotion at times like this, and they should be given the opportunity to gain promotion without having to be forced to another office which could be on the other side of the county that they are in.
  • I am really in two minds about this. I am currently a Police Community Support Officer and cannot decide if I want to apply for this role or not! I must admit I am getting slightly bored with what I am doing at the moment, and there is a degree of uncertainty with our jobs past March 2013 even though my contract is permanent.
    I am just thinking with this type of role, would there be more scope for promotion as in my current role there is absolutely nothing, and I am already on top band pay which is Ј22,300. I would not be taking much of a paycut at the start, and end up on more money as years go by doing this job!
    My partner will certainly be applying for the role, but I really cant make my mind up.
  • brilliant i shall apply let see if the people who think i am capable of work will offer me a job
  • 100 vacancies in the area. No wonder why im left waiting an hour or longer to be seen past my appointment time.
    They have the 'Guaranteed Interview Scheme', so at least many disabled people will get a chance a proving themselves at a interview.
    Lets see if they offer me an interview.
  • I left my fixed term role in October 2010, after working with JCP city for 11 months, started a 2 year contract with local government (Newham council), left at just the right time.
    Did apply yesterday, very different process this time, completed application with 5 competencies then told passed that stage and had to complete a 75 minute test, 36 questions.
    Wait to see what happens now.
  • I am assuming with the competency, you have to hit only 1 of the sub headings in the core competencies in your answer? Obviously some people have had minimal experience in managing people or none atall and are therefore not able to meet every sub heading in every competency.
    I dont think they explain how to hit the competencies very well to be honest. When I did the Police application it was a lot bigger but they at least explained properly what they are after. It is quite confusing.
  • I've just added up the vacancy numbers in all of the adverts and the total is 2400. Whether that is really the number that will be taken on or not only time will tell.
  • Hi there,
    I'm going to apply for this position later on today, has anybody already applied for these vacancies?
    I just wondered, ( so that I can plan time on the computer as I noticed a 70 minute test was include) after you submit your application do they email you the link to the test straight away? Or do you have to wait for them to check your application first?
    Also, what kind of questions are in the online test?
  • The testing will be scored straight away. The compentencies will be examined if you pass the testing phase. For you to have an excellent chance at passing the written competency part, you will be expected to meet most of each section of each competency. If you pass both the test and the application competency sift then you will most likely be invited for interview, depending on how many others passed as well (everyone will be ranked in order of scores).
    It is no easy task to write 1000 words ( 5 x 200) and make sure you explain the situation, what you did, how you did it and what the outcome was.
    Good luck to all!
    Oh, from what i understand there are 4000 posts across the UK. The 50 number is just a guesstimate and each district will know how many extra band C they need.
  • Thanks for the heads up op...I've applied for a couple of different areas. I was previously on a fixed term contract with the DWP (along with many others) and they let us all go in 2010. Interesting to see these roles are listed as permanent, and that there are so many of them. Hopefully they will all come to fruition
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