14 May 2018

A question about : Need Jobseekers Advice

I have recently been made redundant and went for the Job seekers Interview today, I am 58 years old with less than 2 years to retirement, have never been unemployed and worked for my last employer for 17 years on a part time basis as a bookeeper 18 hours per week, it seems I am going to have to jump through hoops to get the benefit.

I am not allowed to say I only want to work part time I have to agree to 40 hours. I am expected to travel up to 10 miles on the bus even several buses if that is nescessary, and after 13 weeks they can send me for any job even cleaning the loos at minimum rate, and then travelling up to one and a half hours each way.

My husband is on Incapacity Benefit, the old one as he has been on it for 10 years because of heart problems. I am thinking it would be far less hassle for him to claim on his benefit for me as a dependant because there is only about Ј10 difference in the rate anyway. Would we be allowed to do that or would they say I still have to look foe a job.

Best answers:

  • Millie, if you've paid NI contributions (which you probably have if working 18 hours pw) surely you'd be entitled to contribution based JSA for 6 months. I dont think this JSA depends on redundancy pay, savings or what income your husband has, you paid in you should get out. IMO, you would probably have to push DWP to acknowledge this. Even if they make you agree to all the conditions how far are they going to chase you to keep them up? Realistically you're nearing retirement age so probably they have boxes to tick and are going to make sure they can tick them. So agree and let them tick their boxes. At least if you have 6 months JSA you have time to think about what you want to do from then on. Why not visit your local CAB so that you can discuss your future options? You and your husband can then make an informed decision.
  • Yes I will be eligible for contribution based jobseekers allowance, I have the offer of a job doing the same as I was for the same sort of leisure company but they will not be opening until towards the end of the year. So as I have worked all my life without claiming I thought I would have the summer off, as I have little chance of getting a job I want at my age. The problem is if they are going to be sending me after full time jobs that are miles away, I am not allowed to turn them down. After 13 weeks I have to go in to sign on every week and, be sent after all the jobs no one wants at basic rate, and apparently I will have no choice so I thought it may be easier for my husband to claim for me until the new job is available if thats allowed
  • Go to CAB. and get advise,You cannot force people to work.
  • No, but you can apply sanctions to their benefit. The question is can contribution based JSA be sanctioned as Millie has obviously never used this entitlement. If not then it doesnt matter whether or not she applies for jobs as told to do as she will get her benefit anyway. If is can be sanctioned, what are the criteria for sanctions? Do the same rules apply as for income based? If so what are these? Perhaps someone else will be able to post this information or a link (Ted or Fran?) Or a visit to the CAB might be in order.
  • I was on JSA for about 6 months at one point.
    They do push certain things on you like reasonsable distances to travel, how many hours they expect you to work, what wage you will go for etc. Over a fortnight, they also make you agree to contact X employers by phone to check for vacancies, X employers by letter to check for vacancies, apply for X jobs, read X job papers, etc.
    It's pretty demeaning stuff when you've worked for X per hour and they say you must take a wage cut in order to find work.
    All you have to do is agree to the conditions and then they usually make you fill in a diary, which you use to record the way you've complied with the conditions and the outcome. E.g:
    Monday 1st Jan:
    Rung XYZ company asking for vacancies; result - no vacancies.
    Read Jobs North West - applied for job with ABC Co.
    Sent CV to ZYX Co
    You fill this in forthnightly and then someone usually checks your diary when you go and sign on. They will also run through all the vacancies on their computer and give you printouts of the menial jobs to apply for. It's pretty awful stuff. As long as you seem to be complying with these conditions they will pay your money. So it's best to go in with a big smile and pretend you're interested and doing everything they expect!
    While you keep up the charade you can be looking for jobs that you really want.
  • I was on JSA. I agreed to all their conditions about full time jobs, then made a big effort to look for suitable part time work. As long as you apply for lots of vacancies yourself, they don't push you into the menial jobs as much.
    Have you thought about temping work? You can normally get part time clerical jobs quite easily, especially with summer holidays coming up.
  • I have to sign in every 2 weeks for the first 13 weeks and then it goes to every week. I am also on the waiting list for an operation, nothing serious that prevents me working until it is done, and then I will probably be on the sick for about a month. it just seems a waste of time expecting me to travel up to 10 miles for an interview for a full time job, when I am so close to retirement age, and waiting to go into hospital anyway. Who is likely to employ me only for some degrading job. The most they will have to pay me is 6 months, as we have savings that will rule out any other benefit, and as I said I have been offered a job that should be available towards the end of the year. I think my best bet would be to let my husband claim for me as a dependant if they allow this
  • I suppose you are a 'job seeker' whether you are on contribution-based or income-based JSA. So I cannot see that the rules on looking for a job will differ. But just how much will the Jobcentre push someone to find a job, who is less than two years to retirement, has caring responsibilities and a forthcoming operation?
    If the jobcentre requires you to look for a job (and apply for them) I would point out to those 'prospective employers' that you will be having an operation and that you will hope to get this other job anyway.
    I would also tell the Jobcentre the same - maybe they will put you on one of their 'courses' in the meantime where you can get an extra Ј10/week (I assume they still do that). It may help with the job you are keen on. I trust that you can get your operation done before the job offer becomes available.
    Does you husband get any other disability benefits? If so, you may be entitled to carers allowance for looking after him.
  • No he does not need a carer he had a bypass 13 years ago, a heart attack 18 months later, and had a stent fitted last August. It just means he can not walk far, and gets tired quickly does not require constant care
  • I have just discovered that I cannot go as a dependant on my husbands Incapacity Benefit, because I am 58 and you need to be 60 unless you are looking after children and claiming Child Benefit, so it looks like that is a none starter, so I will have to go along with all the rules and go for interviews, wasting the employers time as well as mine, because at my age and on a hostpital waiting list I am not going to get anything anyway.
  • I got made redundant 3 weeks ago.I had to wait 3 weeks before I could make a JSA claim because I had been paid 3 weeks full pay in lieu of notice.Anyway.....when I went for my interview last Friday I told my interviewer that I would look for full time work but I am more interested in part time work as I don't need much money each week to pay my bills.If I can get a part time job I'll go for that instead of full time.She was absolutely fine with it.I also said that I'm only interested in jobs in my town.She was fine with that too.The only thing she said really was to go in 10 minutes before my signing time to check their new computers for any vacancies.
    Like you say Millie....you have worked all your life and only now need to claim and not for long either.Maybe I just got lucky but they didn't seem that worried about me pushing for part time rather than full time work.
  • Millie,
    I think someone has said similar, but can't you get proof in writing that you have a job offer for the end of the year? They won't hassle you then I'm sure, and as others have said, they won't be pushing you into work at your age.
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