13 May 2018

A question about : Job Seekers allowance and starting new job

Do you have to sign off job seekers allowance?

My daughter has been on job seekers officially since 29th August although she has not received any payment yet due to a problem getting her first interview, they are backdating her claim to 29th. She had her first intervew on Sept 10th but for some reason she had to go back a week later to sign on, I thought they would class that as her first sign on date. Now she has a start date for her new nursing job on 29th September. Will she have to sign off as her start date is 2 days before she would have had to sign on next?

Will she lose out on any job seekers because her job starts so close to her next due sign on date? Also when will her job seekers allowance payments stop? as she will not get paid with her new job for I think either 1 or 2 months

Best answers:

  • JSA is paid in arrears. Signing on every two weeks is to establish that the claimant has satisfied the benefit conditions in the previous two weeks in order for the payment to be released. The benefit is not payable for the first 3 days following initial contact to make the claim. So your daughter will be entitled to a payment covering the period from 10th August to the day before she starts work.
    She needs to inform job centre plus of her new job the day before she starts work. They will then send her a benefit payment covering the period of entitlement. (entitlement ceases the day before the first working day)
    If she struggles until payday she could apply for a crisis loan but apart from this i dont believe there is much else available (assuming she lives with you ?)
  • Thankyou,
    She thought she would have to inform them straight away as her start date is next Monday but perhaps she should wait until Friday or Saturday then? as the day before will be Sunday.
    So really as she officially contacted them on 29th August she will be paid from 1st September up until the 28th September the day before she starts work but backdated.
    How long is it to receive the award letter? as she has a sign on book but has no award letter yet which the council said they need as evidence for council tax benefit during that time.
  • She will get a benefit letter a day or 2 following the payment going into her bank
    As long as they have been informed before the next interview date it should not really matter when she tells them. She should still be paid up until the day before she starts. The reason they need to be told before the interview date is by not updating them and failing to attend the interview will prevent a payment being released
    Hope she gets on well in her new job
  • Thankyou,
    Roughly when should my daughter get her first payment in her bank? She has had nothing yet and her 2nd sign on date should be weds even though it wont happen as she starts work on Monday. Shes going to ring them today to inform them.
    It was a bit messed up because of the delay in the first interview but I still thought she would have recieved something by now.
    Rang job seekers on 29th August and filled in form over phone with advisor
    First interview was 10th Sept
    Went in to sign on Sept 17th
  • Has she been sent the paperwork yet?
    With me I have been claiming JSA since 21/7 (but paid since 24/7) and due to the fact my previous employer was so slow in sending me the P45, despite on e-mailing them everyday and sent them a recorded letter delivery letter and received it through the post a month later, I received payment from 24/7 to 20/8 (my signing on date) on 22/8.
  • She forgot they closed at 1pm yesterday so didnt ring them but is going to do it tomorrow which is the day she starts work (she starts on a late shift)
    I'm just worried in case they dont send her an award letter because she has started work so quickly after signing on as without the award letter they class her as working and charge council tax which goes on my bill (I'm exempt due to disability)
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