12 May 2018

A question about : Any advice for a Trainee Recruitment Consultant position interview?

Hi guys

I hope you are well. I have an interview coming up for Trainee Recuiter position, does anyone have experiance of the typical questions they may ask over a phone interview? And any other tips in terms of key things to cover from my perspective etc to succeed?

I'd appericate any help I can get!



Best answers:

  • If it is a phone interview they want to check that you speak clearly, audibly and don't continually say, errr, and pause.
    The questions should be based around your desire to sell, progress and believe it or not, earn loads of money. Recruitment is all about earning the most money so don't be afraid to admit you like cash.
  • they will ask about sales and customer service experience as these are the core competencies required. Also, you need to get across that you have excellent verbal communication skills, resilience to take knock-backs from potential clients and disappointment from candidates dropping out from taking roles.
    You need to state that you are money-motivated, thrive under pressure in a commercial, hard-nosed environment and can work long hours to succeed. Recruitment consultancy is all about the client (the company you are recruiting for) and without them the agency would be obsolete.
    Good luck
  • As this is a phone interview for a trainee position, this stage will be used to screen before progressing to the next part of the process (probably an assessment centre or interview)
    As counterfeit says, telephone communication skills will be the most important part of it. They will also be looking for focus (ie you want the job), motivation (you'll work hard) and flexibility (you'll do what it takes to get the job done). Recruitment people tend to be positive, high energy and usually a good understanding of the business world.
    Questions might be around organisational skills, customer orientation, working under pressure and achieving results.
    Tell me how you organise your workload
    Give me an example of a time you believe you delivered excellent customer service.
    Describe a time you had to achieve a task whilst under pressure.
    What's your greatest achievement to date?
    Might be useful for you to do a bit of research before the interview, specifically
    Is this for a national agency or an independent?
    What do they specialise in? Which fields, and is it temp, contract or perm (or all)?
    What companies do they recruit for?
    (I have an interview worksheet I used to use for recruitment with questions and what the interviewer is looking for . If you PM me your email address I'll send it)
  • Thank you all, this advice will come in handy!
  • I am currently working for a national recruitment firm and have done for the pased 4 years. My advice would be to show your personality as best you can, the people that tend to last in recruitment have an out going personality and have bags of self belief and resiliance.
    what type of recruitment consultant would you be Temp / Perm / High street / specialist?
    it would be good to find this out before if you can as you can then relate your answers to the specific role you will be doing.
    good luck, if you want I have got an interview techniques form I could email you?
  • hi,
    i need advice on this urgently
    ive just finished college and im trying to go in to this recruitment business, as ive seen there is alot of money init,
    ive seen lots of jobs posted for trainee recruitment consultant so i need some advice on how to tackle the questions
    ive done alot of work experience in management for accident claims business where the pay is commission related will that help if i mention it????
  • hi it will be helpfull if you sent the worksheet
    thanks alot
  • Sell, sell, sell!! Recruitment is all about selling - selling yourself, selling your company, selling your candidates, selling your vacancies.
    They will ask you standard behavioural questions like "give an example of a time you had to handle a difficult situation at work and how you dealt with it" etc. You might also get the old "sell me this pen/ tea towel/ tupperware bowl".
    The most important things to showcase are your confident personality (if you're not confident, fake it), and your ability to sell yourself. Often, qualifications and prior experience come second to these two things.
    Go through your CV, past experience, hobbies, and future ambitions, and match everything to skills you have or have developed. Most important skills to emphasize are confidence (doesn't matter if you have never sold or worked in customer service before, you need to show you have no fear of doing so and can hit the ground running), natural selling ability (comes into communication skills), awareness of working with targets (if you have no experience, emphasise your time management and organisation skills).
    Recruiters LOVE to grab people at the top of their game. If you have worked for any major companies in a relevant field, go ahead and name drop. Mention any past links you have had with recruitment. And make sure you research the recruitment field the company is in - if it's construction make sure you show an awareness of how the current climate is affecting the industry, common buzz words, any mover and shakers you read about on the internet/ papers/ niche magazines etc.
    Good luck
  • Also , please do not go in bleating about wanting to be rich ..Targets are just targets. IGNORE
    If you really want to be a succesful consultant then it will depend on the relationship you can build with the people who register with you..that will be your basis for repeat business
  • Depends on the sector, but i get where you're coming from. However I disagree with your wording as candidates do matter.
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