09 May 2018

A question about : Just been made redundant

Hello there,

I am really hoping you can offer some valuable advise:

My situation in brief:
1. will be made redundant as of 30.04.08
2. redundancy payment, plus outstanding hols, plus last months pay equal less that Ј6k
3. no significant savings
4. property owner, mortgage payments Ј809 per month
5. currently supporting my partner (full-time mature student, he did not get a grant)
6. I am German, so dont know the system that well
7. never claimed any benefits before, apart from 25% Council Tax reduction due to my partner being a student
8. I am actively looking for work, (alrady had 3 interviews, another 3 lined up for next week)
9. Have paid NI for the past 6 years
10. no children

QUESTION: What can I claim until I get a new job?

I know that I should be able to claim JSA. My question: will I be able to claim the couple allowance of ca. Ј94 or do you have to be a married couple (we are in a long term relationship)?
Also, will I be able to reclaim council tax for a months or so, really hope I will not be out of work any longer?
How about my mortgage payments, will I be able to get any help with that?

Is there anything else, I need to know or do?

Thank you very much for your help!

Best answers:

  • I'm sorry that you have been made redundant. I can't answer your questions as I don't know enough about it, but I thought I'd give you a bump up the board (your post nearly disappeared off the first page as it's been really busy here recently!) so others can see if they can help you.
    Good luck!
  • Thanks, I hope someone can point me into the right direction.
  • Anyone?:confused:
  • OK..
    You don't have to be married to claim as a couple but your partner being a student will affect the payments.
    You will be entitled to Council Tax Benefit which will take care of that.
    You are only entitled to help with interest on your mortgage payments when you have been claiming for 6 months.
    Put in a claim for contributions based JSA but be aware this only lasts 6 months at which point, if you're still unlucky enough to be unemployed, you will need to claim income based JSA.
    Any payments you receive for Working Tax Credits if you claim it will affect what payout you get.
  • Thank you very much. That's a start. I will put in a claims for contribution based JSA than. You say my partner being a student will affect payements...in a good way or bad way for me?
    I dont get any working tax credits.
  • There's a website called
    which is recommended by Martin and is quite easy to use. The benefit system is beyond my comprehension, but if can get down to your local Citizen's Advice bureau they can work it all out for you. You'll need to bring all your documents with you. Some of the means tested benefits need proof of your income from the previous tax year (I think).
    Sorry I've no instant answers, but HTH.
  • Any other advise?
    I would be so grateful.
  • Just got confirmation of my 2nd interview with a company I really want to work for.
    The position seems ideal - I so want this. The interview will be on Wed of this week.
    Might not need to claim JSA.....:-)
  • Just wanted to say good luck.
  • Well, I didnt get the job with the company I really wanted but I got another job, which I am going to start tomorrow! Ј5K better paid too
    I am so pleased as I have been unemployed a whole 3 working days, only!!! I will also be much closer to y goal of clearing a credit card and pay for our holiday with the redundancy moeny. Planning to pay off holiday next month and credit card soon after.
    Does anyone know of a 3months fixed bond, which gives me a decent return in interest?
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