10 May 2018

A question about : Advice needed for a Marks and Spencer interview please

I am currently a chief cashier in a bank, and have been for 26 years, it is so sales driven now, I want a change and have completed an online assessment for a customer assistant at M & S. I have been given an interview date, and would like some advice about the interview please. Also does anyone know what the hourly rate is as it doesn't say, I don't want to have to ask that at the interview!

Best answers:

  • Please don't tell them you're leaving your current job because it's too sales driven! You need to be prepared for questions about why you're changing career and taking several steps down the career ladder. People do sometimes need to switch to a less stressful job but it can be difficult to explain this in a positive way.
    Good luck.
  • I work at M&S and often wonder why people want to leave their (often well paid) jobs to go and work there.
    As a trainee you start on £5.75, though there are locations premiums for certain stores, mainly London based.
    Just remember at interview all the usuals, give eye contact, be polite and as helpful as you can and that will get you far. Good luck.
  • generally speaking you won't be interviewed by a line manager of anything, usually an HR rep or another experienced customer assistant.
    there are two parts: 1)interview 2)shop floor exercise
    1) - pretty standard stuff about who u r, why u applied ("ive always shopped here and thot it looked good place work"?), maybe what hours u'd like, experience etc. I took my cv with me and left it with them at the end.
    2)shop floor exercise. they will take u onto the shop floor, get you to help or speak to a customer and ask them what they like about M&S and what we could do better - always nice to ask an old person, a little old lady perhaps .
    they might also ask you to find/point out some departments of where you'd find some products. also they might ask you how you would tidy this shelve or rail to help a customer...answer: labels/prices facing forward, in size order etc.
    it might sound hard, but I'm sure you'll be fine and will have nothing to worry about.
    can't remember the exact hourly rate, i think its around Ј5.70 during training/probabation, rising to Ј6-ish when you a qualfied customer assistant and then rising again if you wish to become a 'coach', 'section co-ord' or further into line manager, etc etc.
    other benefits: discount, share scheme, reduced price food thats expiring that day, etc etc. to be honest the benefits won't match the banks (assuming you'll of had health care, bonus etc etc)
    message me if you have another other questions - worked there for 5 years
    good luck!
  • I don't think they will ask me to go on the shop floor as the interview is at a job centre, so it will probable be a role play. Would you recommend them as an employer?
  • Having just finished a temporary job as a Customer Service Assistant in a London store, (from nov to end of dec), my experiences were as follows:
    There was no interview as such (mine was at a jobcentre too), it was purely a role play exercise.
    I was given a number of cards with products and prices on them, eg litre of Orange juice, £1.45, ham & cheese spirals £1.89 etc.
    I was given 5 minutes to familiarise myself with them then the role play would start.
    After the 5 mins, one person came in to record my responses, and the other member then came in playing the part of a customer who had been asked by his boss to get the food for a business lunch happening in 1 hrs time.
    My task was to help him by recommending products that were suitable and within his budget.
    That was all straightforward, one tip, when the 'customer' leaves they will ask you were they go to pay. Offer to escort them there, don't point!
    Make sure you cater for any veggies as well!
    When it had finished, they went outside for 5 mins then returned to say "you've passed (with flying colours!)"
    As an employer, they seemed ok - most of the people there were nice, friendly and helpful.
    One thing is that they are very strict with your time and breaks etc, as a full time worker, (37.5 hrs per week) you get a 15 min break in the morning and a half an hour in the afternoon, to be taken outside the 'power hours' which were between 12 and 2 when the store was busiest. These power hours may not apply to your store though.
    Once you get the job, make sure you get your training. I didn't get much, but maybe that was because it was very busy just before Xmas.
    Good luck, the role play is pretty easy!
  • Nikolai or Scottn, do you know if you choose to work part time, say 20 hours per week, do they tend to give you full days or a couple of hours each day? Thanks.
  • The people on 20 hours at my store, Moorgate, were doing 4 hours a day, for a 5 day week, alternate Saturdays (it doesn't open on sundays). eg: week1 mon - fri
    week2 mon, tue, thurs - sat.
    I think they pay extra for Sundays.
  • really depends on what the store needs and job your doing. e.g. i know people that do 10hours a week, 5x2hr shifts in the evening, another person does a 10hour shift, another 2x5hrs etc.
    time and a half on sundays and bank hols for new employees.
    it really depends on the store re how strict breaks are etc, i have worked in 3 or 4 and they are all different.
  • oh, and yes i would recommend them to work for. everyone moans about their work, but tbh they have been really good to me and ive enjoyed it. pay is good for retail, they are flexible with you if you are with them etc
  • Is anyone aware if marks and spencer is strict about applying after six months or can someone apply before six months and get the job.
  • Hi, When you apply for a job (shelf stacking even)
    Do M&S do a credit check on you or something similar with a Credit Reference Agency?
  • Hello. Im 16 and just left school. Ive got a interview on Tuesday for marks and spencers and i had my first interview the other day for next and unfortunately i didnt get it, it really knocked my confidence and has made me twice as nervous about marks and spencers. my interview is at croydon marks and spencers, i would very much appreciate on any help and advice you could give me such as the questions and answers. what too say for the role play because as im only 16 im not very familiar with different foods and what to recommend. please helppp!
  • HEY every1 i'av got a interview on tuesday 2 =| well nervouse any adivise on wht to expect! pweeze help!
  • Just be honest and act natural... if it's any consolation I am 25 and dreading tomorrow
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