13 May 2018

A question about : Unemployment Making Me Utterly MISERABLE!

I feel I had to write again to say how utterly FED UP and MISERABLE I am feeling at present through being unemployed. The phone is staying silent EVERY day, despite my numerous job applications on many jobsites. I am not even getting any acknowledgements to my applications from ANYWHERE.

Honestly, I have never felt so low and despondent in my whole life! I am FED UP with Merseyside and its scarcity of jobs. I want to get out of this HORRENDOUS, SOUL DESTROYING rut! I just feel as if my whole life is passing me by.

And why the HELL are they saying on the news that recession may soon be ending, and that job prospects will improve? I don't know about any of you here, but I just CANNOT see ANY light at the end of the tunnel at all!

Are there any other people on here who are feeling the same bitterness and despair and dejection as I am? If so, I would really love to hear your experiences of the employers who NEVER reply and the recruitment agencies with their fictitious jobs.

To anybody who is unemployed, I really feel for you, as it is just the most MISERABLE, CONFIDENCE-ERODING predicament ANY poor person can be in!

Will it EVER end, is the question I keep asking myself?

Despondent Merseyside Jobhunter

Best answers:

  • Im with you there
    Til March I had a fantastic job and life was good, now I have no money and its hard some days to stay motivated.
    I am applying for jobs, networking everyone I know etc. I have redone my CV and am also sorting out my house to keep busy but I just want that new challenge
  • Hi have you treid your local Sure Start centre a lot of people think they are just for single parents and kids,but this is not so. They also help the unemployed to find courses and find work. the one where i live helped over a 100 people back to work in the last 12 months. you have to lower your sights on the type of job you are willing to do. My Son felt the same as you he was very low after being out of work for 12months he did all that you have done trying to get work he never had any replies from the huge omount of applications he sent off. He then went to Sure Start and things got better for him they also get your fares paid for you if you go on a course, they help you if things go wrong with benefits they always ring you back when they say they will and my Son did get a job it was not what he would have wanred but he took it until things get better. And I think you are right about things not getting better as companies are still closing down and more people out of work I know this does not help your situation but give Sure Start a try.
  • I was in your position for 6 months. I had the occasional days work here and there, but I felt miserable then.
    I'm working now, but I'm still miserable as it still feels like I'm unemployed. Even now when I've got a suposedly full time job I'm still not getting enough hours. They've only given me 7 hours next week! I was better financially on benefits...
  • Oh hun, I really feel for you.
    I've a fairly recession proof job but DH got made redundant due to the financial situation of his employer.
    He was only out of work for two weeks, but only got the job he is in because his new employer is 'a friend of a friend'
    However we would no doubt still be going through what you are if it hadn't have been for this friend putting him onto the job.
    Like you, he applied for multiple jobs on websites with only an automated response. Even the permanant jobs he applied for directly to companies we are still waiting on.
    It's a bloody awful time, and I hope you find somkething soon. x
  • My housing benefit assessment is being processed at the minute as my wages, even on 20-30 hours a week are barely enough to pay my rent, let alone anything else.
    Oh well... more time to look for a better job.
  • The best book I have read is
    "what colour is your parachute?" It not only helps you decide what to do, it shows you the best way to go about it, explains how only 10% of people find jobs through adverts, nearly all about networking and getting out there, I am doing my best to contact everyone I know, explain I am looking, as them to ask around for me etc
  • What kind of job are you looking for OP? Different jobs sometimes require different techniques to find vacancies.
    I for example am trying to get a job in TV. Replying to adverts has got me nowhere (ok 3 interviews in almost a year). Phoning up individual companies and sending out CVs and covering letters have helped me. I got a 2 week (unpaid) work placement by doing this. Ok so it was unpaid, but it was vital experience.
    Maybe you need to revamp your CV. I revamped my CV and covering letter and it seems to be doing the trick.
  • I was in that position in 1990. No work in the Pool, so I moved to London. If you haven't got dependents, may be worth considering. Mind you, things are tight down here too, now. But not as bad, I think, as Liverpool.
  • Hi Sharon87 - I did the CV revamping bit, but I now have 2 CVs. One for my 'profession' and one for 'other jobs'. I too need a job before I go completely insane, but was advised by my agent to have 2 CVs pitched at different levels. They both have all my jobs/dates on, but my 'technical' one boasts my 'technical' skills and the other one boasts 'life and transferable' skills.
    I hope that makes sense. PM me for more info.
  • To everyone on this thread looking for work, have you tried posting an ad on gumtree? You won't get hundreds of replies but it is worth a try since it's free.
  • I wish people would stop doing all this speculative stuff. WASTE OF TIME. Do something that might actually get you a job like applying direct for jobs on company websites not through jobsites or agencies. Believe it or not there are lots of good jobs out there its just knowing where to look.
  • Hi just read local paper and further to my earlier post the number of people our local Sure Start have now placed in work has topped 200 the scheme you need to ask about is called Start Now there is a Sure Start in almost every town go in and see what they can do for you there is nothing to lose and they can help in lots of different ways.
  • I'm in the same position too. I lost my job at the start of April and I'm going up the wall with boredom. My sister is a recruitment consultant for one of the major companies in the UK but doesn't so much as have a factory job going. I did get offered a job with her but they've stalled for 2 months now on start date that I'm losing hope.
    I'm also looking for jobs in Ireland and also Northern Ireland, sent off tens of applications, had two phone calls. They're basically unwilling to speak to me as even though I know where I'll be living and can move as soon as I'm offered a job, they want the knowledge I'll be in Ireland before they even offer me a position. Which is impossible! So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, it's a nightmare.
  • when i was unemployed 3 years ago i had ONE reply for every 20 jobs i applied for. And 9 times out of 10 that reply was a rejection letter!
    Just keep with it, the economy is starting to improve, slowly, and you'll get there. Just keep the faith.
  • I know how you feel, but while your trying to find a job you could look at it as a positive. I know its hard but try and enjoy your free time, being made redundant has been the best thing that has happened to some people. Its made them stop and re-evaluate their life and their careers.
    Im not saying this is the same for everyone by the way.
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