11 May 2018

A question about : Deciding what do with your life

How can you decide what you want to do with your life career wise?

Is it really even possible to decide what you want to do or do you just get swept along?

(I do admit that I have a self interest in this topic before anyone says)

Best answers:

  • I think some people 'just know' what they want to do or they find a job and realise it's what they want to do, while others never really know and just do whatever job can pay the bills.
  • Surely phil, people do have some idea of what they want to do in life. Doctors don't become doctors because they were "swept along"!
    Highly motivated people will pursue a career suited to their talents and abilities, because they have analysed them and know what they can offer, and because they go out and do what they need to do to make it happen. Those who are not so motivated will drift along, maybe doing jobs they like, maybe not, irrespective of their intelligence and abilities.
    Motivation and determination carry you forward to your goals, other things being equal, and nothing else.
  • I had no idea that I'd end up doing what I do.
    I missed the deadline for applying to teacher training which is what I was heading for. Turned out to be a fortuitous turn of events
  • Just post questions on the internet mate thats the best way
  • The job I am currently doing I fell into by accident but it has made me realise what I want to do in the near future.
  • It is strange because like all my mates are sure what they want to do accountants and Systems analyists in the main and I feel a bit left out as I have no idea. It is very frustrating not to know.
  • you should be compiling databases phil,think of all the info you have been given while you have been on here...or are you doing that already:rolleyes:
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