06 May 2018

A question about : When to declare a disability?

When is best to declare a disability when applying for a job?

If you can not do it on the application form as the form lacks a place to declare it, when is the best time to declare it?

Is it best to wait until they offer you the job and then they can not possibly discriminate against you as I think if places know they are more likely to see you negatively (regardless of the law)?

Best answers:

  • If the employer is a disability symbol (the two ticks logo) user, then mention it from the start. Then, if you meet the minimum requirements for the job, you get an interview. (You probably knew that already.)
    If you have a disability which would require any special treatment at interview, mention it when you are offered an interview. For example, a wheelchair user might need to point out access requirements for an interview room.
  • The only info I can see on disability is "once your disability is made known you are covered by DDA". But it says nothing about how to make it known and I dont think bringing it up at interview is good as it makes you look as if you are hiding it.
  • Just put it if asked on the form, if it asks you & you don't declare it & get the job & they find out they can sack you, plus if they know they can help. If there's no questions about it on the form, which i'd be suprised at (Most ask are you disabled) then if there''s an any other comments bit you can put it there. If they don't take you on because of it, i'd not want to work for them. Now, hows the applications coming on?
  • Better still, I see how many work/application questions/threads you've started, why not print them out & go to CAB where they can address you're q's in detail!
  • I thought that it would be obvious that you have a disability! If you are physically going for an interview face to face ?? You have often said how you can see your disability and stated that you have difficulty walking - if this is the case and they offered you the job they would know you were disabled ?? Having said that ...someone started work at our place and we were told she had a speech impediment.. turns out she was deaf and had lipread her way through interview !!!!
  • Well why ask AFTER you've sent it!?!? lol aww Phil what are we gonna do with ya? IMO it should go in health as it relates to health! As long as you mention it either at application or interview you'll be ok though. If asked, mention it, if not, bring it up at interview. I'm sure applications will cover it mainly. I actually got marked up for mentioning it on my application (They get scored) & it can be in your favour to mention it but positively, I highlighted the good points & made it seem positive.
    btw they'll assume you fit the jobs requirements if applying anyway, for example my upper body strength isn't great & I wouldn't apply for a job needing to life x amount
  • I'm pretty sure they CAN turn round & say they won't have you if you haven't declared it & have been asked eg Do you have any disabilities, health problems, things that will affect your work. It benefits you if you're honest, if they find out later they'd see you as dishonest. If you tell them on the application form then you're covered & I can't see why they wouldn't have you, i'm mentally disabled & have had maybe 2yrs off if you add it all up in 4yrs of work, I was honest from the word go & it's been no problem, just apply, state it. Would you WANT to work for someone who didn't take you as you are?
  • phil have you applied for a job that will be hindered by your disability? because if you have thats unfair to the company if you hide it till the end but if your disability does not affect your potential performance then I would just be honest with them when they give you an interview
  • If I was an employer I would be far rather have an honest disabled person working for me than a non disabled person who deliberately lies on their application form.
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