09 May 2018

A question about : Interview -shirt colour.

What colour shirt would you recommend for an interview?

Light Blue Check

Best answers:

  • Black, with a black tie. And dark glasses.
  • This has got to be the best SP thread yet!
  • White always looks smart
  • Cream, with a dark red tie.
  • Pink ......
  • No shirt or trousers...just a tie...thats how to make an impression
  • Depends on the Job your going for, If its accountancy, I would wear white or a dull grey, If its in the creative world, go Pink shirt, Real men wear Pink!!!!!
  • A white shirt is hardly cool and is a bit school boy. A coloured shirt expresses some personality.
  • I'd say pink too!!!!
    What colour is the suit, SP?
    Which is the cleanest shirt?
    What colour tie will you wear?
  • Make sure you have clean underpants too.
  • White shirt, dark tie, gimp mask
  • depends - if you're invited to any of the admin in the health services you'd go in White or one such subtle shade - if as a prospective sales person in a flashy colored shirt if you're going for a clerical job checks lines dots or circles whatever but preferably in white offwhite similar shades - if it were me I'd sneek outside of their office and check what their staff wears but I suppose I'd do that because I'm a girl.
    Phil, you could've posted this in the arms :confused:
  • Just make sure you tuck your chest hair away.
    No one likes a straggler
  • Start with throwing the cream shirt away SP...
    Remember this rule of shirts and ties - plain shirt + pattern tie OR pattern shirt + plain tie BUT NEVER pattern + pattern
    I'd agree with the pink tie.. my fav combo is my light grey suit and pin strip pink/white shirt, open collar
    You might want to nip to M&S and have a look at their shirts, i'm sure you can still get nice plain ones for about a tenner. Something like this
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