11 May 2018

A question about : daily signing at jobcentre

From wednesday this week i have been put on daily signing at my local jobcentre it feels like a punishment to me is anybody else on daily signings at the jobcentre?

Best answers:

  • Did they tell you why? Is this a problem for you? Is your jobcentre particularly difficult to get to or something?
  • Your not going to get any positive comments on here, end day your getting paid to not be at work.
    So yes you should be at the job centre checking everyday.
  • do they pay for your travel?
    I know someone who has to go every day. It's the new governement scheme isn't it>?
    All he has to do is go and show his face and go home again pretty much.
    It's a waste of time and I gather the staff think so too
  • Hi OP,
    Its part of the conditions of getting benefit; the only way to stop is to stop claiming benefits (win the lottery, get a job etc).
  • It's seems like a waste of time to me but there again those of us with jobs have to get up on a daily basis and go to work. Pretty much a lot of the boll*cks we have to deal with on a daily basis is a complete waste of time as well.
  • I was wondering if they pay fares too.
    Bus fare to my nearest JC is Ј5 per day return or Ј24 for the cheapest weekly ticket. That seems like an awful lot out of basic JSA.
  • If you dont have a job, what else are you doing during the day? A trip to the jobcentre will get you out instead of sitting in the dark you mushroom.
  • Youve just repeated what someone else said and i answered. Your view is a stereotype.
  • since being a tax payer and working is vital to having an opinion in this thread, can i just say i am a full time worker, sometimes more than 50 hours a week sometimes 37.. and therefor pay tax can i just say..
    this is a complete and utter waste of time and money.
    lets relate this to work in some way..
    your very busy trying to get things done, to complete your task but you are needed in a different city for a 30 minute meeting, you have to pay 100 quid on the train spend 90 mins getting there, spend 30 mins in a pointless meeting and then 90 mins getting back.
    your 100 out of pocket and 3 hours wasted.. you would complain and whinge and say its pointless...
    sending people daily is a sign of mistrust, and it is a form of punishment. 70 quid a week barely covers your surplus bills let alone daily travel to a job centre.
    remember - only around 1-3% of JSA claimants are misusing the system.
    the vast majority dont want to be on JSA and are trying to get back in work.
    some peoples opinions are plain ignorant and rude
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