12 May 2018

A question about : 4 years no pay rise. what action can employees take?

my company hasnt issued any pay rises for 4 years and have told me there probably won't be any rises in the foreseeable future

i have been expressing my general unhappiness at this but as a lone voice i can obviously be easily ignored

the problem is the company has to bid for contracts from the nhs. i asked if the effects of inflation on staff wages were a factor in the last round of contracts we tendered for and was told no. and it wont be a factor when the contracts are up for renewal. they want to put in the very cheapest bid they can and obviously any envisaged pay rise will increase the bid amount

without committing a sackable offence, what can i do to let the company know its not just me concerned about this tendering policy?

could i start a petition. what group action could i try to instigate?


Best answers:

  • Leave and go elsewhere.
  • Can say as long are you are being paid nmw then I'm afraid your employer doesn't have to give a pay rise. It has already been said if you don't like it start looking for other work.
  • I wouldn't argue - the majority of workers in the NHS haven't had a pay rise since the recession began. I would agree with the ethos of your company in not trying to raise their prices.
    I worked for the NHS for five years and did not begrudge the lack of pay rises. I realised that in doing so the NHS is helping to make a valued contribution to society by keeping costs as low as possible and not overinflating prices to make profits. I eventually left for another role and find it rewarding - but it was not the wage freeze that made me leave, it was for a position which suited me better.
    All in all, if you're unhappy - try and find another role.
  • what about the petition idea
    if a company were informed that say 90% of staff were unhappy isnt there a possibility this could have some effect?
  • If there is no money available for pay rises, then a petition would be useless. They cant pay what they dont have.
    besides, if a petition would really work then everyone would be doing it to get more money, afterall, whos going to refuse a pay rise
  • If your company is tendering for public sector work, just be grateful they are still winning them. I've been involved with some recently that the tender winners are clearly not paying NMW or their figures just do not stand up.
  • OP you say a group action? What I have always come across in any place of work many can talk to the talk, but when push comes to shove they wilt and start to think of themselves. If you have a union take it up with them otherwise any petition will fall on deaf ears, and possibly ear mark you as a trouble maker.
  • I work in social care. My council has to save 30 million from the social care budget over the next 3 years while costs are increasing due to an aging population needing more help.
    They are generally going for the lowest bids - quality is no longer really coming into it, unless the standard is so poor as to be unsafe.
    I'm guessing it's a fairly safe bet the NHS is in a similar position. They are not going to take on contracts that are higher just so staff can get a payrise.
    Yes my spending power is getting less as food and energy prices etc keep going up. But I still have a job. If we were working in a sector where business is booming things might be different. But public sector and those that rely on them for work - not a hope.
  • Really really do not do anything of your own back!
    the only way you may and its may get a pay increase is to join a union (though fees may wipe out your first increase...if you get one!)
    Just move and get another job.
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