05 May 2018

A question about : been accused of taking Ј2000 from work advise asap please

ok so this could be long walked into work yesterday at 8.15am i was 1st in opened up as usual another staff member came in at 9 we got on with our jobs then my boss rings and asks if there is Ј2000 under the desk and there wasn't she said oh it must be at home then and went, she rings again asking me to double check as she cant find it its not there so she comes into work checks ccvt and rings her boss up and basically im being accused of taking it because i was sat at the pc were the money was and the other staff member is being accused because it looks like she is looking at the money on camera i sat and watched cctv and yes im around the money alot but i had emails to send and orders to put in ( which there is proof of ) so been i today for a meeting been suspended im very upset he says he is getting police involved because me or other staff member has taken it we have till 3pm today to return it.

we've both been questioned and given statments to my boss's boss and been suspended oh also while being questioned he lied about the other employee being spotted on other cctv talking to me on my break which never happened and he wont let me see the footage as he says it belongs to the outlet i work within and due to data protection cant view it till monday??????????

iv got to go back in tomorrow not sure what for but i want advise never been thru anything like this dont know my rights or what will/can happen title=Frowntitle=Frowntitle=Frown

Best answers:

  • were you searched? at places where ive worked with money and goods they have the right to search you and your property i.e car if thats how you got to work and if its parked on their premesis to see if you have taken anything.
    if you were not searched then i guess you are just going to have to rely on ccvt which will hopefully show you are not guilty.
    good luck
  • I would get the police involved as their investigation will prove your innocence - hopefully.
    If you have done nothing wrong there is no need to worry at all.
    slightly worrying about your boss lying - if that was what you were implying.
    (Just for info I found your original post incredibly difficult to read, some punctuation would have helped.)
  • I would start writing everything down .
    And if it were me I would definitely be getting legal advice.
  • it dont show me or anyone taking the money at all and i wasnt searched iv watched the cctv today in the meeting things look bad on my half but im doing nothing differently to what i do everyother day. should i postpone tomorrows meeting go to citezens advise and take someone in the meeting with me? agghhhh im so shaken up :-(
  • Where in the world would someone jus leave 2k under a desk!
    Am i right in thinking you work in some sort of shop?
    Beggars belief!
  • Don't worry, if you've done nothing wrong, your fine! seek legal advice asap though.
  • (Just for info I found your original post incredibly difficult to read, some punctuation would have helped.)[/quote]
    im shaking and crying punctuation is not at the top of my list at the min
  • i work in a designer outlet in derbyshire/nottinghamshire and we have a subway shop in there and thats were i work
  • I take it you are not in a trade union?
  • because i was in the area
  • Why isn't the finger of suspicion being pointed at the person who allegedly left the money under the desk ......was that your boss?
    Seems rather convenient to me that your boss should be ringing to enquire if the money was there - could this person be trying to cover their own tracks? Does this normally happen? ie. Have you had phonecalls in the past asking if money has been left at work?
    I would tell your employer that you are going to get the police involved yourself!
  • I agree, I too would get th eplice involved.
    After all, you can be totally willing to be questioned about it, if you are innocent then the police will find out who has stolen it .
    Who on earth takes 2k home from work anyway? I used to work in tescos and there is no chance in hell any of the managers are allowed to take cash home. Although I know that some subways are franchises so maybe thats why
    Please dont panic, if you havent done it they cant do anything to you.
    If you get sacked for something you havent done - police have found you innocent- then you can go for tribunal, but im sure it wont come to this.
  • he hasnt rang the police yet he said if money gets found we can both just wal from our jobs with nothing on us he says he getting police tomorrow for 2nd meeting i told hom today to get police as i have nothing to hide.
    he was pointing finger at person who left money but shes in clear now as he thinks he can see the money on cctv
    do i go to this meeting tomorrow alone? no family roound me and partner got work, or do i seek advise first?
  • Get advice - phone CAB.
    What has he said the meeting is for?
  • he hasnt said what for just to go in at 12
    iv looked on CAB website but cant find a number?
  • https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/index/getadvice.htm
    Stick your postcode in here
  • its not open till monday :-(
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