09 May 2018

A question about : Feel a bit sick :(


I have worked at my job for about 9 months. It was all rosy untill I realised it totally runs on my bosses whims. For instance he came in for about 3 hours today, was in a foul mood which means everyone is just quiet. He asked me if I had tried my work jacket on, I said it didn't fit so he storms out saying You and your f**king uniforms as I've committed murder or made our company bankrupt.....

Now the comapny is always like this. I work in telesales, I make outbound calls, I bring in new customers. SO today I opened the window as our office is stuffy. At the end of the day I was last one in office, usually it isnt me I don't have a key to lockup. I forgot to locl the window. I never forget but basically the alarms gone off and my operations manager has had to drive lots of miles back to work to sort it out.

So I get a phone call I want three new accounts tomorrow or a Ј600 fine

Basically tomorrow I'm going to be in the !!!!, yes its my fault but it was an accident however my bosses will shout at me. I once forgot to feed his dog (sorry is that a telesales role?) and so I got a phone call consisting of ~I'll remember that next time you ask a favour. I was grateful that I got the job but now I feel sick about going into work tomorrow. I feel like I'm simply going to walk in and out.

Now I want to study to be a teacher and I had an offer the other day to go to Spain to be an Aupair, learn Spanish and then in a couple of years I'd like to go to uni.

Now I could actually go at the weekend, its in a beautiful place.
I know for afact that if I had in my notice at work they'd escort me out the door on the spot. Thats how they are.

I enjoy the work sometimes, othertimes I just really don't want to be there.

I understand that realistically me not closing the window put the company property in trouble, in the sense that if someone had broken in and stuff then they'd be royally stuffed. I'm jsut fed up of walking on eggshells, I can't do anything right.

What would you do? Can I just not go to work? I mean I'd do that and just go to Spain but I know I'd feel guilty. I know that the two accounts people are looking for other jobs, they hate working there

Best answers:

  • i would at least walk in hand your notice to your boss and see what he says. Do you have other people to give you references or would you be relying on this guy?
  • hmm I'm not sure on the legalities as it depends on your contract. When were you last paid?
  • Last working day, so Tuesday just gone. I mean my contract says I have to give a months notice, last time someone gave a months notice they were walked out of the door on the spot. They didn't give the warehouse sick pay last month, one hurt his arm, they said if we met the company target then they might have it.....wtf!!!!!
  • Walk out of your job and go to spain NOW!
    Seriously! You're young, have no commitments, not many ties by the sound of it.
    You don't like your job, and are treated badly
    You have the opportunity to experience another country and culture, maybe learn a language, travel!
    It's a no brainer, just do it! you'll regret it if you don't
    Of course you can just walk out. OK the boss might be !!!!ed off, but so what, you've only been there a short time, you don't owe them anything. Please just go, you'll be glad you did!
  • Be adventurous. Go to Spain. Life's too short to worry about this when you're young. (I had my son just after I came out of Uni. It was unplanned and much as I love him to pieces, I wish I'd had more life experience first.)
    You don't deserve to be treated so badly.
  • geez louise - I agree just go in hand over your letter of resignation and walk out the door!
    i once got moaned at in a part time job for being off sick once in 3 years. She had a good old whinge because she was a person down and asked me to consider which was more important my job or my health (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) obviously not the job then, so the week after I posted my letter of resignation and my Mum rang in sick for me 5 minutes before the shop opened, which left them very short staffed. Was the best revenge for her horrible horrible way with me the week before!
    Go, be free and enjoy spain!
  • Yes, Spain is a much better option than this kind of abuse.
    Do write a formal letter of resignation and hand it in, giving your notice. If they decide to escort you out of the door then and there they then have to pay your wages for the whole month, and as a bonus it is tax-free for you.
  • I guess my heart says run to Spain and have the life I want!! I'd be living in Noia, I think thats how you spell it, and I'd be able to kayak, surf and lots of things and live, and I've not had that chance. I moved straight out of my parents into my boyfriends which was a mistake, I didn't have a gap year I literally had to go from kid to adult.
    I found someone who'd take over my rent etc, I'd leave my bed etc for them. I'd give my junk to charity and I'd take a few suitcases and depart!
    I guess really, the ONLY reason I'd feel guilty is that the two girls in the office have tutored me and I'd feel bad because S looks after me, she annoys me sometimes but she's just protecting my back and hers. Also my line manager/operations manager has taught me a lot about sales, I could sell anything now lol. I don't want to chuck it back in their face. However they do set themselves up for a fall and it is a hard job. Maybe I could not go to work, post a letter of resignation, ignore my phone and hope they don't badger me ( though they know where I live).
    I have enough money to fly to Spain etc, to get myself sorted, and I would try to pay off my debts slowly, I've sorted my credit card, its just Welcome Finance and a couple of others..Lol once hopes leaving the country wipes debt, but not true!
  • You need to get out of that working environment as quick as you can. Your boss sounds like a proper.......
    We all make mistakes so don't feel too bad about it. I wonder if your boss feels bad about the way he speaks to you?
    I've worked in similar jobs where I've dreaded going into work and had managers that have been truly awful. I've had sarcastic comments, put-downs in front of other staff and general rude behaviour.
    I once got a job as a Database Administrator. Imagine how I felt when, on my first day, I was asked to go out and collect the bosses dry cleaning on my lunch break. Or to make cups of tea for visitors to the office. (I'm sure I would have been asked to feed the dog at some point!) I should have picked up on the bad signs early on. I never walked out though because I didn't want to be seen as a quitter. Luckily it was only a temporary contract and I was soon put out of my misery.
    I think the longer you stay here the worse it will get. Get your CV out there and find an employer who will appreciate you more. I know the job market is very slow right now but I do hope you manage to find something else. Who wants to be worrying about alarms when you could be worrying about sunny Spain instead?
  • print up some 'my boss is ***' or 'is your firm threatening you?' type posters or leaflets,
    and put them up around the road where your firm is- best do this extra early, then go treat yourself to a breakfast at McD etc, before going in at the 'normal' time..
    based on the buzz in the office, approach your boss to resolve issues, or tell him to stick the job- no need for that behaviour at all.
  • What worries me is that I get the impression that my boss had severe anger issues a few years ago, and that he has calmed down since!!! A couple of months ago, he left work for personal training and then ended up in hospital as they couldnt get his heartrate down.
    The family in Spain speak both Italian and Spanish, I'd love to be able to speak those, it would really open up my life in the sense that I could go to a foreign uni, or work abroad, or have a good job as I am multilingual, I wonder if I can get amazon to post me books though ^^
    Has anyone ever walked out of a job here?
  • dont feel guilty! if it was a long term career job id approach it slightly differently but it is merely a stop gap to a better life. dont feel bad to the others either, they obviously will be gutted because they havent done it first!
    my boss asked me to get him a cup of tea once (I work in a professional career!) so when I asked him if he wanted it in a cup of over his head, he genereally got the picture I like him a lot though so I do make him tea sometimes, but not when it is an order!
  • I walked out of a well paid job working for the government after 10 years (hated the stress, hated the politics, treated like !!!!). I just walked into the HR department one day and said, "I'm resigning", they started talking about having to organise notice period etc and I said, "No, you don't understand, I'm going now!" and I handed my security card in and left and have never looked back
    It can be done!
  • Actually, I think you'd have to look it up but I think it's actually illegal to fine someone at work for a misdemeanour. You'd have to check with the CAB or ACAS.
    But I agree with everyone else - get out of there now! Give him your letter tomorrow - so what if they escort you out of the office - they still have to pay you a months notice - contracts work both ways and if they don't want you to work it that's fine.
    I wish I'd had that opportunity when I was your age
  • Hmmmm it would also cause a lot of stress, someone , well one of the van drivers walked out in the middle of a delivery once.
    I guess my problem is, I like my "mentor" he makes me laugh, but in reality...hes just someone from work, hes nice to me and taught me sales stuff but only to make money. Yes I was lucky to get the job but its not like I'm 60 and deciding to take a pension or have a family.
    Question, upping and leaving, what do I do with debts, just keep paying them as norma? 'I'll be getting euros so not sure how to handle it
  • I'd rather not go to work to hand my notice in. I am a wimp!
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