09 May 2018

A question about : Is this sex discrimination?

Just wondering if I am going mad here. I have a work event that I have to go to tomorrow night (an awards do) where I have to represent the company that I work for. I discovered last week that the men are having suits hired for them and paid for by the company so I approached the appropriate contact and discussed getting the cost of my outfit refunded too. I don’t have a suitable cocktail dress to wear (I don’t do this sort of thing very often) and so I assumed that I would be afforded whatever budget the menfolk had for hiring a Tux.
I was told in no uncertain terms that I was expected to buy my own outfit and the rules don’t apply to women. I was also told that other female staff had bought their own outfits or made do all year and that I should too and pocket the cost or just don’t go to the event if I’m not happy.
Bearing in mind that the credit crunch has kicked in I’m reluctant to fork out my own money for something that I will simply not wear again and have a firm principle knowing that it is effectively one rule for the men and another for the women. I have bought a very cheap Ј35 dress for the event but am truly miffed now and considering just not going and returning the dress. The only problem is how will that reflect on me seeing that no other women have picked a fight about the policy all year?

I have approached HR but tbh am nervous about kicking up a true fuss as I don't want to stand out in the crowd too much during a recession

Best answers:

  • Of course it is discrimination - they should hire a dress for you just as they are hiring suits for the men. I don;t think you can ask them to BUY an outfit for you but they should treat you the same as the men and hire a suitable dress for you.
    Having said that, how much do you want to rock the boat? Personally I'd approach HR with other women in the same position as you and say you want to be treated equally and have dresses hired for you.
  • that is absolutely sex discrimination - the company are providing a benefit to men but are unwilling to provide the same benefit to women.
  • Skintchick is correct it IS discrimination....you should have an outfit hired for you in the same way that the men do, and I would def. take this up with your HR dept.
    Good luck!
  • Are you expected to wear formal wear to this do?
    What attempts were made (if any) at justifying the decision to hire suits for the men, but not to hire frocks for the ladies? It looks like a clear case of providing 'perks' for men only - could it even be seen as a taxable benefit in the same way as a company car or mobile? Are there any other women who share your anger at this? What do the men think about it?
    What did HR say?
  • I investigated dress hire but the manager concerned said it was unnecessary and too expensive. Hence the fact that I've gone down the cheap dress route to try and be reasonable and claim the expense back.
    It's doubley annoying because I am expected to network at this event to aid my job and if I don't go the men get the business advantage.
    HR have said they are going to speak with the manager concerned but I've heard nothing yet and the event is tomorrow night
  • tell him you have a penis - you just happen to work for it
  • And look for another job - he sounds like a total idiot.
  • Elegant ballgowns ? What century is this company operating in !
  • how about getting a tux, as well? or asking one of the other men in the office who doesnt want to go to get, one in your size..?
    failing that, get dress as stated, then slip in the receipt with other expenses later on..
  • The cheek I'd state that if they're not gonna provide dresses, I'll also wear a tux see how they like that. If they still play nasty, I wouldn't go tbh!
  • I'd go in my jeans and tshirt watch his face fall when you walk in.
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