10 May 2018

A question about : options for a 50 yr old.

It's possible that I will, in the next few years find myself unemployed due to relocation.
Although qualified in my currant area (animal care) I have not got a great deal of experience in other areas.
Any advise for retraining, taking courses or even starting a business of my own in preparation for the possible unemployment.
I'm quite worried about this and even though it's likely to be a least 2 years,away would like to be as prepared as I can but just don't know where to start.

Best answers:

  • Could you do something similar to what you do now assuming its something you still enjoy? How about getting a teaching qualification and teaching animal care? Or could you set up your own business in an animal related area?
    I would find something enjoyable to follow if you can and what is there a need for in the area you are moving to? No point training in something if you really can't find a job in it. Do you have good IT skills? Most jobs these days ask for IT and for those of us over 35 we are not always as good as the youngsters ! That can be brushed up if needed.
    Forward planning and getting ready for the future is what I am doing now. I work part time and have found it limiting, but once my child is older I plan to work full time in a new career. I am getting ready for it now but getting some new qualifications.
    Good luck!
  • Thank you, I'm thinking of taking some IT courses. Not sure that I'm qualified to teach but will look In to it.
    Love what I do but not sure how much call for it there will be.
  • Any colleges/universities near you? You could perhaps become a technician in an animal care course (my dad who was self employed plumber, ended up getting a plumbing technician job at a local college).
    How fit are you health wise?
    You could always start up a dog walk business. Given your current work area at the moment, you could always start building clients up now.
  • I'm pretty fit at moment, hope to stay that way. Yes there is a local college. I have thought of dog walking. Not sure it's possible to make a living at it but it is a thought.
    Just trying to think ahead really.
    Can't really afford to pay loads for courses etc.
  • Relocation of the company.
    Going to be looking in to some courses.
    Just looking for ideas really.
  • Thanks, it's a good idea, difficult to start while still working though.
  • Prepare yourself for the worst. I'm 47 and long term unemployed. A career spanning two decades and 4 European languages and due to my age (and experience) I'm unemployable. I've also done countless volunteering to no avail.
  • Yes, it's worrying. That's why I'm trying to think ahead. Hope you get something soon.
  • I have to add, I'm male. Maybe for a woman it's easier, I don't know. But thanks anyway.
  • What are actually qualified to do within animal care? I'm a vet nurse and could possibly think of. A few avenues
  • Well I wish you all the best. Try to think for the best. Keep us posted
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