03 May 2018

A question about : Stay at Home Mum Returning to Work

Little bit of background. I gave up work 5 years ago after the birth of my second son as the childcare fees and transport costs were more than I earnt.

Both sons are now in full time school and I want to return to work.

I have found a couple of jobs that I would like to apply for but I dont really know where to start with my references. My last employer has closed the branch where I worked and merged into a bigger company so I have limited contact details.

Would it be acceptable for me to use two other previous employers who I have kept in touch with?

Also any tips for the application forms? I am already planning to include details of what I have been doing in the last five years eg volunteering in my sons class and attending numeracy and literacy courses designed to help my children. I did think of asking my sons teacher for a reference but I'm not sure what the policy would be it doesnt help that they are on holiday this week and the one form needs to be back by Friday!

Any help would be appreciated.

Best answers:

  • Teachers can't give references but if you have been volunteering it would be entirely in order to give the head as a reference as you have been volunteering in their school.
  • If you can explain why you are using the references you are then there shouldn't be a problem, especially if you can give them the central HR details of the last employer so they can confirm you worked there and aren't hiding a dismissal.
  • Thank you both for your input it is really appreciated.
    Fingers crossed that I can now return to employment or have I shot myself in the foot by taking time off with my children.... will have to wait and see.
  • I was on the committee for the local playgroup when my kids were small and the head play leader was happy to give me a reference. Good luck!
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