06 May 2018

A question about : yearly income?

can anyone help me?
where can i get my yearly income from for tax credit purposes?
never got p60 as left work end of december
lost last payslip
any idea????????????

Best answers:

  • You should have been given a P45 when you left work - please don't tell me you've lost that as well!
    If you have, the only thing I can suggest is phoning the place you used to work and seeing if they kept copies of anything - not all companies do, and even if they do I don't think they're obliged to give you one. In fact, I learned recently that companies were really not supposed to give you a duplicate P60!
    If you don't need to 'prove' your income by producing any of these documents, you could also try phoning the tax office which dealt with your last employment and see if they can tell you!
  • Can't help sorry.....but it just reminded what my partner did.......she shredded her p60 in the office hope she doesnt need it.........she just put it on top of stuff for shredding and answered the phone and.........well say no more :rolleyes:..........
    you can't get another one she was told........
  • thanks, will try them
  • From my days of doing wages, the P60 was a three part form, one for the tax office, one for NI and one for the employee. If the employee was no longer working at the end of the tax year, their copy was destroyed as they had the same information on their P45.
    As for undertakers, my Grandfather was the local undertaker and joiner so he made the coffins to order and "did" the funeral. As a very small child the sheets for my dollies cot and pram were all made from the silk used to line the coffins
  • The law as I understand it is that you are obliged to provide a P60 to every employee who has worked for you during the past tax year.
  • Katiepops, the P60 has to only be given to those still in employment at the end of the year - the people that leave get a P45 instead.
    The inland revenue have changed their takc recently, and a duplicate P60 *can* be given - but this is irrelevant as the person left in December. The best bet is, as has already been suggested, ask for a statement of earnings. Just a letter detailing the taxable pay and tax deducted should suffice.
    Edinburghlass - I was typing when you posted
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