05 May 2018

A question about : How does 'one month's notice' work?


I wondered if anybody would be able to enlighten me... /

I have just got a new job & my current contract states that I need to give one month's notice. May be a bit of a daft question but how does it work??

If I gave notice on the 1st of the month, is my last day the 1st of the next month or the last day of the same month? Also, as Feb is a short month, when do I need to give notice to ensure that I can start my new job on 3rd March (as 1st is a Sat)?

Many thanks,


Best answers:

  • Is 3rd March your start date?
    If so then I'd hand in your letter of resignation on Feb 1st.
    good luck in your new job
  • Depending on the exact wording, and whether you want to leave on good terms, I'd always give 30/31 days notice - better to be safe than sorry!
    Best of luck in the new job.
  • It does work that your notice period actually starts running from the end of the day on which you give it. So, if you are required to give a month's notice (rather than four or five weeks or so many days) your suggestion that handing in your notice on 1 February would mean your last day would be 1 March is correct.
  • In my previous job, I was required to give "at least" one months notice. So, when I left to retrain as a teacher, I gave 6 weeks notice. I worked every day of that 6 weeks....
  • Thank you so much for the advice.
    Also, I have taken most of my holiday entitlement, which runs from April to March, and I have a week booked for half term in February which means I will have used all my 25 days leave.
    Can my current employer stop me taking the leave in February, even though I have already had it authorised?
    Obviously, I understand that if I do take it they will deduct any monies owed from my final wage.
    many thanks
  • Employers always have the right to stop you taking booked holiday (depending on what your contract says, of course). However, employers also know that most people start to 'run down' before they leave a job, so if they are sensible people they will be unlikely to stop you taking a holiday at a time they suspect you wouldn't be liable to work very hard anyway!
    Yes, you are right, they may claw back any holiday to which you are not entitled. Suppose you have 24 days' holiday a year, you obviously accrue holiday at 2 days each month, so you would owe them 2 days from your final payslip for the fact you have taken your full entitlement but not worked the full year.
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