29 Apr 2018

A question about : Salary v experience

I am facing a reduction of my hours at work and
I have been offered another job which is really interesting and would probably look good on my CV (the title is more senior and there are new aspects that I don't currently do) but the pay is not good.

We can manage on the lower pay but I wouldnt be happy on it for the long term. I'm also concerned the low pay could reflect badly when I look for the next job after that.

Faced with this would you stay put and look for another job or go for the new one?

Best answers:

  • Don't do it, unless you know overtime is a real possible option on top at the new post? or you have savings to see you through potentially, your right it doesn't look good, a moment on the CV that lingers and to be frank becomes embarrassing and when your in financial difficulties it is the one thing that can't be hidden effecting whole lives, from someone who has been there more then once x
    If you are facing a reduction in hours, may I suggest you find out first what benefits you could get hoping your not single - work doesn't really pay if you ever earn less is the only firm conclusion I draw
  • Keepcalmandstayoutofdebt - thank you.
    No there is no overtime they made that clear. Also it would cost me petrol to drive there and I have to work 25 hours over 5 days which means I couldnt take on other work to top up.
    I have found out today that my current job will be reduced in hours. However I figure that gives me more time to look for other work / take on a second job - something that pays properly. I have decided I don't want a low salary to impact me for years to come which is what I am worried about.
  • Many jobs do ask for previous salary on applications forms/cover letters.
    It does seem the only positives are the title and you may learn more skills...I'd look around for something better paid.
  • For this application I had to state my current salary and I know some places that's also a question when they apply for references.
    It is a totally different company not an inside move. I calculated last night there is Ј5 per hour difference between my current job and the one I applied for. Seems just too much of a move down.
    I think I might use the extra free time I have to get some more qualifications. My current job also said they might be able to give me more hours again in future.
  • go for it
    doubt another job will ask for your salary
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